Star Wars: Mark Hamill Reassures Fans He's Not Dead

After the abundance of actors and artists passed away in 2016 and 2017, people tend to get a [...]

After the abundance of actors and artists passed away in 2016 and 2017, people tend to get a little worried when names start circulating on social media — especially when they're the subject of fake memes or death hoaxes.

Star Wars legend Mark Hamill was the latest actor to prompt a death scare, though he promptly nipped the rumor in the bud by debunking the claim himself. Check out the tweet below with the knowledge that it's fake and Hamill is still in good health.

Seeing that image pop up on your timeline would be enough to cause a double take. Star Wars fans are especially weary just over a year after the tragic and unexpected passing of Carrie Fisher. But Hamill manages to have fun with the hoax, even poking at his political opponents in the same instance.

The tweet did prompt a barrage of fans who either didn't read close enough or expressed relief that Hamill was debunking it, and of course came the inevitable whines about Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Luke Skywalker's fate. Though he might have given hope to those who want to see Luke appear in a future installment in the saga.

When one fan expressed their wish for Luke to return to the land of the living, another fan chimed in and said Hamill said The Last Jedi won't be the last time fans see Luke. Then Hamill added his character's iconic quote at the end of the exchange, teasing future involvement in Star Wars: Episode IX.

"See you around, kid."

Of course, it's far from a confirmation that Luke Skywalker will indeed return as a Force ghost in J.J. Abrams' new Star Wars movie, but knowing Hamill and his penchant to hype up the fanbase, we wouldn't bet against it. Especially given that this is Star Wars and The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson explicitly set this possibility up in the film, given the inclusion of Yoda and how Luke's disappearance into the Force mimicked that of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda's from the original trilogy.

Of course, all of this is secondary to the fact that Hamill is very much alive and rumors of his demise have been greatly exaggerated. It seems like this kind of rumor pops up at least once a year, but Hamill himself is always quick to let his fans know that everything is alright.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is rumored to premiere on Digital HD next month.