Rian Johnson Posts New Set Image as Star Wars: Episode VIII Draws Near Finish Line

Rian Johnson continues to peel back the curtain of Star Wars: Episode VIII as principal [...]


Rian Johnson continues to peel back the curtain of Star Wars: Episode VIII as principal photography for the film draws to a close. The writer-director has offered up several images from the set, previously revealing vehicles, the return of Maz Kanata, and more in his behind-the-scenes images.

Wednesday, he posted this image of a Jedi Robe hanging alone on a hanger, with recording equipment nearby. it appears to be in some kind of cave, though without a ceiling it could also be a cliffside of some sort. "In the home stretch," Johnson wrote with the image.

(Photo: Rian Johnson)

Of course, an empty Jedi Robe holds a grand - and troubling - tradition in Star Wars. When Obi-Wan Kenobi was struck down by Darth Vader, he left behind only his empty robes. When Yoda died, his body, too, disappeared. Now, that's not to say or imply that a set of empty robes means there's a Jedi death in Episode VIII, or that Luke Skywalker goes into the Force in this film. It's just saying that it's possible this is some kind of clue.

However, it's probable that this particular costume piece is just hanging up in-between takes. Or even that Luke shed his robe so that he can open up his full Jedi talents in some major battle.

Star Wars: Episode VIII is in principal photography now for a December 15, 2017 release. The film directly follows the story of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, continuing the story of Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Luke Skywalker, Leia, and the rest as they battle back the forces of the First Order. Expect more news about the film at Star Wars Celebration Europe in July. Stars Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher have already been confirmed as attending the convention.