Solo: A Star Wars Story Writer Teases What He Wanted to Explore in a Sequel

One year ago, Lucasfilm earned one of its only box office disappointments in Solo: A Star Wars [...]

One year ago, Lucasfilm earned one of its only box office disappointments in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Despite the film earning positive responses from critics and audiences, it failed to earn $400 million worldwide, which was only a fraction of what every other Star Wars film released by Disney earned. Sadly, this disappointment likely means we won't get to see a sequel or spinoff adventure as Lucasfilm has regularly expressed that they have shifted their focuses in recent years towards fewer projects. Co-writer of Solo Jonathan Kasdan took to Twitter to respond to fans expressing their support of a sequel, teasing what he wanted to explore in a follow-up film.

"Beyond grateful & galvanized by the #MakeSolo2Happen energy on Twitter today," Kasdan shared on Twitter. "Means so much to everyone involved & ur enthusiasm makes it possible for us to keep advocating for it! 'Cause, the Maker knows, there's a WAR story set in a Galaxy Far Far Away that's yet to be told..."

The writer included images that featured the logos for Crimson Dawn, the Hutt Cartel, and the Pyke Syndicate, which are all organized crime organizations that exist in the saga. All three were featured in Solo, with Crimson Dawn being headed by Maul while Qi'ra served him, as members of the Pyke Syndicate made appearances and the Hutt Cartel only briefly referenced.

One theory as to why Solo fell short of expectations is that it landed in theaters six months after the previous film, preventing it from building the same levels of excitement previous Star Wars films earned. Kasdan revealed last fall his doubts of a sequel ever moving forward.

"Will there ever be a sequel 'cause it really seems like you guys were setting one up? To be honest, I think the challenge has more to do with the foreign box office than the U.S.," Kasdan shared on Twitter. "Personally, I think there are great Star Wars movies to be made that don't need to cost quite so much. Hopefully that will be the trend in years to come, and maybe, just maybe, that trend will allow us, one way or another, to tell more stories with Alden [Ehrenreich], Joonas [Suotamo], Emilia [Clarke], and Donald [Glover]."

He added, "With those actors and [Ron Howard], I would jump at the opportunity. Given the way Hollywood, and the culture at large, seem to run from anything labeled a disappointment, the odds seem like they're against it happening anytime soon. But, I suppose, Han wouldn't have it any other way."

The next film in the franchise, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, lands in theaters on December 20th.

Do you wish the film could get a sequel? Let us know in the comments below or hit up @TheWolfman on Twitter to talk all things Star Wars and horror!