The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 1 Finale Recap With Spoilers

Leo gets lost in thought at dinner thinking about his daughters. He is with a woman in a fancy […]

Leo gets lost in thought at dinner thinking about his daughters. He is with a woman in a fancy room having dinner.

Elsewhere, Hope has drawn her gun on Hope and asks, ‘Who the hell are you?”

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond logo takes the screen over their standoff.

In an abandoned town, Silas preps himself some food that he managed to hunt. His grill falls over and starts a fire after he finishes cooking. He is living in isolation. Elton finds him. He explains Silas is innocent.

Iris tries to explain to Felix that Huck can’t be trusted but Felix is not buying it.


Huck continues to stick to her lie to Hope. Hope questions her and shows a willingness to shoot her. Huck comes clean and admits she is with the Civic Republic and tries to reason with Hope. Hope says she only wants to protect her family and she knows that she is the asset, not Iris. Walkers start to close in on them.ย 

Elsewhere, Leo asks the woman with him if she has heard from Dr. Abbott in Portland before he died. She hadn’t. Leo explains how Dr. Abbott was excited to “mold young scientific minds” here but the woman explains he went back because his sister wasn’t well.ย 

When Hope can’t kill the walkers, she and Huck have to kill the dead together. The gun falls into a stream while they fight them off.ย 


In the room which Huck said was filled with dead bodies, Iris and Felix finds medical supplies, toothpaste, and other resources that could have fixed their truck. Iris wants to catch up to them.

Percy explains that Huck killed his uncle Tony and shot him. He ran. Elton and Silas don’t know why. They do realize that the rest of the group is with Huck and Silas wants to save them.

Hope questions Huck in the aftermath of killing all of the walkers. “Truth is, your dad is not in danger,” Huck explains. “Those last two messages he sent saying he was in trouble, they weren’t from him. They were from me.” She needed a way to get Hope to leave the university. Huck is fighting for the future and civilization. She wanted Hope to see the world and get perspective of why they were fighting like this. Hope concludes that Huck is the one who attacked Tony and Percy. Huck insists there was no other way.ย 


Leo sips some wine by the fire and explains that he thinks Hope could want to make wine but then again could just want to drink. He tells a story about finding her building an entire computer as a little kid. “She was being curious,” he explains. “She put the whole thing back together all by herself.” He declares that Hope is “extraordinary,” and thinks she might “save the world.”ย 

Along the journey, Hope can’t understand why she is so valuable and she does not think that she is.ย 


Elton, Percy, and Silas plot their plan to catch up to the group. Percy is determined to get revenge against Huck for killing his uncle. They suddenly hear a truck driving through. CRM soldiers start searching the area.ย 

Everyone’s journeys continue. Huck and Hope hear a truck passing and blow out their candle lights. Huck realizes the soldiers saw their lights. Two make their way into the house where they’re hiding. Iris and Felix arrive and Huck slips back into character until Iris calls her out. Hope covers for Huck. Felix starts asking questions. He eventually takes Huck’s gun and stops her, demanding answers.ย 

At the CRM HQ, Dr. Belshaw records a message for Leo. She is making difficult decision for the future of the world, realizing it might come at the expense of her relationship with him. In the now, she is not mentally present.ย 


Huck tells Felix to simply take Iris and leave. She pleads with him. Hope tells Felix that hopes is CRM and he starts a fight. A fire catches. They fight while Felix yells to the girls to take the truck and go. Hope finds the gun and rushes into the fight.

Elsewhere, Elton, Silas, and Percy are trying to evade CRM soldiers. Silas cuts his hand open, he tells Elton he is saving them so he can save the others. He ends up getting taken into custody by the CRM soldiers.

Felix calls for Hope to shoot, even if it hits him, to stop Huck. Iris kills walkers. Huck bests Felix and is about to kill him when Hope shoots the gun into the air and threatens to kill herself. She demands Iris and Felix leave her behind and allow her to go on the journey to her help her father. Hope ultimately says her goodbyes to Iris and Felix. Felix and Iris are left behind.


Leo and the doctor talk together. She has something on her mind but won’t open up about it. He tells her that he thinks he is being lied to about things like Dr. Abbott. He needs her help to get answers.ย 

Elton and Percy begin a new search for the rest of the group. Elton has a reignited hope and optimism about surviving and declares they are not the last generation but the beginning.

In a field, Huck and Hope arrive at a helicopter. Elizabeth welcomes them in. Elizabeth tells Jennifer that she has found one of the “loose ends” and she will take care of the rest. She heard the radio call and she knows the truck is still out there. Elizabeth brings them to the helicopter.ย 

Felix and Iris walk through the woods, needing to find food and shelter. A flashback shows that Hope declares she is not the real asset but the two of them together is the real asset. They need each other to achieve anything. Hope explained all of this to Iris in her goodbye to Iris.ย 

Ultimately, Felix and Iris come across a new group in the woods. One man approaches and takes his hood off. It is Will. They embrace each other. Will begins to explain that the campus was destroyed and killed. There is a lot for them to catch up on, as the helicopter with Hope and Huck flies away overhead.ย