Fear The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Captive

Connor prepares some food for Alicia. He's cooking something with an unnecessary amount of [...]

FTWD Alicia 205

Connor prepares some food for Alicia. He's cooking something with an unnecessary amount of ingredients as Alicia sits by and watches skiing on TV. The pregnant woman walks in grilling Alicia. Connor presents the Omaha steak to Alicia and brags about his New York strips. He dismissed Jack earlier because he wants to get to know Alicia. Alicia asks about Jack, Travis, and her family and Connor dodges a real answer. The power goes out and Connor goes to fix it leaving Alicia behind who hesitantly dives into the steak just before the pregnant chick comes and takes it from her and walks out, locking the door behind her. Alicia tries to find a way out but all of the doors around her are locked. She heads upstairs and opens a door to find that she's aboard a large, docked vessel and won't be able to jump down to land.

Jack tells Alicia, "You shouldn't be here." They go back inside and Jack explains that Connor would've been mad if he saw her out on her own. He's surprised to hear that Connor made her steak. Alicia has requests about Travis and her family but Jack says he can't do anything but he'll find out everything in a little bit of time.

Aboard the Abigail, one of the pirates sits with Daniel as a spear protrudes from his gut. Daniel is taking care of the young man's wound as he tells horror stories about cutting his father's achilles. He tells Daniel that when he doesn't show up with the boat, Connor will come looking for him, The young man threatens to take Daniel's daughter apart. Daniel tells the young man he isn't scared of him.

Daniel and Chris exit and Chris questions Daniel's choices to let the man talk so disrespectfully. Daniel says that he is just scared and not scary. Ophelia finds them, as Chris goes to watch the door.

Daniel heads up to Madison and Strand and tells her that Connor is their captive's brother. They find a group of boats and head towards it. Madison starts the boat in that direction and Luis rushes in demanding they go to Mexico as to not miss the window. Luis goes to Strand for help but Strand insists there is no telling her anything. Strand sides with Madison. In Spanish, the two discuss how they only have money for two people. Strand insists he'll negotiate and get everyone into Mexico. Madison reveals that she is going to attack Connor's group. Luis storms out and Madison thanks Strand. Strand says they're even.

Jack shows Alicia around the boat and as he grabs a clipboard she takes a knife from his pocket. They talk a bit about Connor and the world.

Travis wakes up. He's locked up below deck. He finds a pick in a book and starts an attempt to get out but a woman approaches. It's Alex from Flight 462.

Alex starts telling Travis about Jake's horrible death. She eventually had to choke him out herself and pushed him out of the raft. Connor found her and asked what she had to offer and she offered him the Abigail in exchange for Travis.

Stand and Madison talk at ship's wheel. She tells him not to send Nick on anymore errands. Strand compliments Nick's ability to navigate this world. He claims to have seen Nick's potential but Madison doesn't want Strand coming between her and her son.

Alicia and Jack find boats on the radar and take notes on them. Jack notices something on the radar. The Abigail is approaching. Alicia is furious about her family not being taken to shore and hits Jack with a clipboard when he doesn't tell her that he didn't know. She asks him what happens to the other boats. Jack says it's Reed, not Connor, that they have to worry about. Alicia insists on finding her family.

Madison finds Nick and tells him not to do anything like he did when he went to shore again. He puts together a gun and she compliments how he's getting comfortable with it.

Jack tells Alicia they can go take a boat and head to the Abigail. When she is sure it's what she wants to do, he radios for Connor.

Alex explains to Travis that Connor's group is putting Alicia to work. She's specifically mad at Travis for putting her and Jake in the raft. She says he knew what was right and he didn't choose it.

Daniel and Strand talk as Strand finds where Connor's group is holding up.

Travis tells Alex about his son who is always watching and trying to see how he'll change. He thinks he is no better than the man who cut the rope. He tells Alex that he had to do to his son's mother what she had to do Jake. He questions if they can be more than what they've become. Alex starts to leave but Travis asks her what happens to her. "Connor said he can use me," she says, adding, "People don't use me."

Reed coughs in his cell as Chris looks on, eager to taunt him. He goes against Daniel's orders and engages. Reed starts to play mind games with Chris and tells Chris to be prepared for this new group to put him down like a stray. Nick closes the door and asks Chris what's wrong. Chris blames himself for the situation because he didn't shoot them. He froze and he doesn't want to freeze again.

Alicia is escorted to Travis. She tells him that the Abigail didn't get to land but Travis assures her that Madison will be fine. Travis tells her that if she has a way out, she needs to take it.

Madison looks at Connor's spot and can't find anyone. Someone radios for Reed and Madison tells them, "You can have your brother when I get my family back." She reveals that she has Reed as a hostage but dodges a question about the others. She demands a trade in one hour. Connor's brother for her family. Nick volunteers to escort Reed but Madison insists on taking him herself. They hear a gunshot and rush below deck.

Ophelia finds Chris with a gun in his hand and asks what happened. "He was gonna turn," Chris says before walking away. The group finds Reed with his face blown off. Luis wants to go south and Daniel tells him they're not done.

Madison goes to talk to Chris alone. Chris says he was dead and he was going to turn. She takes the gun from him. They hear people arguing upstairs. Chris realizes they were going to make a trade for Travis and asks Madison, "You know I had to, right? You get that?" She tells him everything is okay and consoles him.

Jack zipties Travis' hands and Connor sends him off to get Alicia.

Nick and Ophelia clean up Reed's bloody mess. Reeed wakes up, a zombie, and Daniel uses the spear to pin him to the wall. He's going to use him for the trade.

Moments later, Daniel has a bag over Reed's head. Someone tells him to take the gun and it catches him off guard. He was about to take the bag off of zombie Reed's head but Ophelia walks in.

Jack searches for Alicia. She's hiding in a cabinet and makes a break for it when he passes.

Nick asks Madison to let him go but Madison says he can't because he wants to. Daniel brings Reed to the boat and Madison heads off. Nick and Strand see Travis from their perch. Madison gets closer. Alicia continues her attempted escape and heads to Travis' holding area. The pregnant chick finds her and tries to make her stay in the cage. After a scuffle, Alicia locks her inside.

Madison and Connor come to a standoff. They make a trade and Reed ends up biting Connor. One of the men tackles Travis just after his hands are cut free.

Alicia runs to one end of the boat and sees that she's cornered. Jack finds her.

Madison kicks the man on top of Travis and Travis gets control, punching the man several times.

Jack questions Alicia's desire to be with the people who abandoned Alex. She slides down the side of the boat and into the water where she's picked up by Travis and Madison. Jack watches as she heads back to Abigail.