The Walking Dead: Is Rick Going To Die?

Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead rose to popularity on the premise of audience's understanding [...]

Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead rose to popularity on the premise of audience's understanding that no one character is safe. One by one, fan-favorite characters were killed off to start the series as the Shane's, Lori's, and Hershel's of the world bowed out one by one.

During its six season run (and over a dozen years of publishing as a comic) many fans ask if Kirkman will ever kill off his lead character, Rick Grimes.

In fact, the writer has stated he will kill off the fearless leader before the series comes to a close but the question remains: When will Rick die?

While Rick has taken on several villainous threats in years past, none have imposed such oppression and brutality upon him and his group like Negan. The Governor, Shane, and the Hunters all pale in comparison to the Saviors and their tactics.

So, is Negan going to be the fall of Rick and the end of The Walking Dead as we know it?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: keep reading for comic book spoilers and predictions.

In The Walking Dead comics, Negan is not the end of the road for Rick. Yes, Negan is deadly. Very deadly. He takes out some heavy hitters on the pages such as Glenn, Spencer, Holly and Alpha but like the Joker with Batman, Negan constantly elects not to kill Rick. Instead, he opts to manipulate Rick's group and constantly take their resources.

Negan had countless opportunities to end Rick Grimes. Rick actually gives him more then sufficient reason to do so, as well, but still Negan never decides he wants Rick dead until the Saviors and Alexandria go to full-on war. By the time the war ends, Negan finds himself jailed by Rick having merely broken the Alexandria leader's leg, never managing to stop his heart.

Of course, the show is already shaping up to be different from The Walking Dead comics. Some notable changes already are the swapping of Rick's relationship with Andrea for Michonne, the line-up of potential vicitms in front of Negan, and the aftermath of Negan's introductory beatdown.

In issue #100 of The Walking Dead comics, Negan bashes in Glenn's skull and exchanges a few words with Rick. However, after the exchange, Negan gleefully walks away from the group and sends them on their way back home. As seen in the first clip from the Season 7 premiere, this much will not be the case. Instead, Negan will pull Rick into the RV, hatchet handy, and possibly come out alone.

While Negan does not kill Rick in the comics, it's possible for the character to get the Ned Stark treatment on the AMC series and shockingly bow out in the least expected death of all time. Still, it's not a safe bet.

Following the premiere of The Walking Dead's seventh season, will be live with Dwight actor Austin Amelio for a recap of the brutal episode and a look into the future of the series on After the Dead.

The Walking Dead returns for its seventh season on October 23 at 9 p.m. ET on AMC. For complete coverage and insider info all season long, follow @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter.