New Streaming Device Combines Netflix, Disney+, Other Services

We can all agree by now that there are probably too many streaming services out there, right? If [...]

We can all agree by now that there are probably too many streaming services out there, right? If you don't know exactly what to watch when you sit down on the couch, and you subscribe to multiple streaming services, it can take quite a while to sift through all of them while figuring out what to put on. It's stressful, and sometimes annoying, to flip back and forth between Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and the other various streamers to see which movies are available at the moment and which ones in particular are calling out to you. Fortunately, it looks like a solution that that problem is on the way, in the form of a device that combines all of your streaming subscriptions into one place.

During a presentation at CES 2020 this week, a new device called Dabby was put on display for the audience in attendance, and it has the potential to change how we utilize streaming services going forward. The Dabby is essentially a touch-screen tablet that communicates with a dongle plugged into the back of your TV. You log in to all of your subscriptions on the tablet and the roster of everything available to you will be created. You can simply choose what to watch from that list.

Dabby will also keep you informed on the status and price of your streaming subscriptions, letting you know exactly how much you're spending as well as just how much you're using each different service.

The only potential downside to the Dabby device, which is now available for preorder and set to arrive in March, is that it does cost a bit of money. The Dabby will set you back about $400, which is more than double the price of an Apple TV, but the company is hoping users will want to pay for the ease and accessibility of the device.

dabby streaming device
(Photo: Dabby)

"In the past two years, subscription services have exploded," Balaji Krishnan, founder and CEO at DabKick Inc., told CNET. "It's not just about premium services. Content is moving to the cloud, and everything is streaming now. Which means the experience of consuming that content has been redesigned."

What do you think of this new Dabby device? Do you think you'd want to give one a try? Let us know in the comments!