AJ Styles Sent To WWE RAW In Superstar Shakeup, Debuts In Main Event

WWE teased a mystery partner for the WWE RAW main event on Monday night, and that mystery partner [...]

WWE teased a mystery partner for the WWE RAW main event on Monday night, and that mystery partner turned out to be AJ Styles.

The advertised match was Bobby Lashley, Baron Corbin, and Drew McIntyre taking on Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and the mystery teammate. Early on, most fans guessed it was probably Styles given the fact that top babyfaces from SmackDown not named Kofi Kingston were pretty thin at this point.

It was either going to be Styles or Kevin Owens, and since Owens didn't debut on RAW earlier during a segment with Sami Zayn, Styles seemed like the most logical bet. That proved to be the case.

As you would expect, the babyface team won the main event. Rollins hit the Curb Stomp on Lashley, followed by Roman then hitting the spear on Lashley, and Styles followed that up with the Phenomenal Forearm to Bobby as well to secure the victory.