In his novel, 1984, George Orwell wrote “‘Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.” No where is that more true than in the world of the WWE.
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When your grandchildren look back upon the WWE archives, they will likely have no idea how people really felt about Roman Reigns, because once again, the WWE has edited out the negative fan reactions to The Big Dog on their YouTube channel.
On last night’s RAW during the show-closing angle between Roman Reigns and The Undertaker, there were loud “Roman sucks!” chants between the time that The Undertaker looked at the WrestleMania sign to when he chokeslammed Reigns.
In the clip uploaded to their YouTube channel in the video above, the chants were mostly cut out, although they can be heard a bit as Taker goes to chokeslam Reigns.
This is not the first time someone has caught WWE re-writing history for Reigns, as WWE edited a fan’s reaction to Roman Reigns losing the U.S. Championship against Chris Jericho earlier this year.
With Reigns facing off against the beloved Undertaker at this year’s WrestleMania it will be interesting to see if WWE continues to position Reigns as a babyface with the crowds so heavily in support of the WWE legend.
Regardless of how you feel about Reigns, the WWE will remain in control of their future.
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