Jon Moxley: Vince McMahon's Creative Process is Killing the WWE

Jon Moxley's interview with Chris Jericho on the latest episode of Talk is Jericho made numerous [...]

Jon Moxley's interview with Chris Jericho on the latest episode of Talk is Jericho made numerous headlines this week. But throughout the interview it was clear that the No. 1 point Moxley wanted to make was that he was incredibly frustrated with the WWE's creative process. He told numerous stories throughout the episode about his struggles with the writing team, from trying to get a line about a "pooper-scooper" to his butt injection promo to having to fight back against making heelish comments about Roman Reigns' battle with cancer.

Moxley officially debuted with All Elite Wrestling during Saturday night's Double or Nothing event, and has already signed a multi-year contract with the company that will be in full swing once the weekly live show on TNT starts this fall. The former WWE Champion stated that if there's one thing he wants to prove during AEW, it's that Vince McMahon's creative process is broken.

"If I have something to prove, it's that I want to prove that your creative process, the WWE's creative process, sucks," Moxley said. "It does not work. It's absolutely terrible. And I've said that to Vince. I've said that to Hunter. I've said that to Michael Hayes. I can't even tell you how their system works."

"It's killing the company, I think. And I think Vince is the problem."

"I want to prove that [WWE's] creative process sucks," Moxley said. "It does not work, it's absolutely terrible. I've said that to Vince, I've said that to Hunter, I've said that Michael Hayes. I can't even tell you how their system works, it's some kind of system of meetings that take place in Stamford, then there's a home team. There's writers and producers and production meetings and nobody knows what's approved and what's not.

"The bureaucratic red tape that you have to go through to get anything approved is crazy! It doesn't work! It's killing the company and I think Vince is the problem. And not so much Vince, but whatever the structure that he built around himself probably starting around 2002 after the sale of WCW and this infrastructure of writers, producers and this is what the WWE is and what the product is, and the product sucks. [They have] great talent, amazing talent. None of this is their fault."

Moxley added that he's not concerned with being a direct competitor with WWE like WCW was, but rather be at a forefront of a more entertaining product.

"If I had a goal with AEW, that's that if we can prove that Vince's way sucks," he said. "That's not what I'm going to focus on, because it's not about competing with WWE. We're just going to be over here doing our best and putting on our best product. If a byproduct of that is that it pushes WWE to re-evaluate their creative process and it makes Vince — not that he's going to step aside because we all know that he's going to die in the chair — but maybe he'll listen to someone else's ideas. Maybe he'll be open to doing it a different way."

Ambrose will make his AEW debut at Fyter Fest on June 29 against Joey Janela