Mick Foley to Announce New Championship on WWE Raw This Week

WWE announced during Money in the Bank on Sunday that WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley will appear on [...]

WWE announced during Money in the Bank on Sunday that WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley will appear on MOnday Night Raw this week to make a special announcement — a new championship is on its way to the WWE.

There was no word on what the championship would be.

It's possible that Foley is returning to bring back the Hardcore Championship. Foley (as Mankind) was awarded the title by Mr. McMahon in November 1998, playing into the manipulative father-son relationship the two had. Less than two weeks after being handed the title, McMahon would betray Mankind in the final match of the Deadly Games Survivor Series tournament for the WWE Championship kicking off a feud between Foley and a now-heel The Rock.

Foley only held the title once, and it quickly grew in popularity after Crash Holly introduced a new "24/7" stipulation that allowed the title to change hands at any time on any show as long as a referee counted the pin. Steve Blackman held the title a record 172 days across six reigns, while Raven held the title a record 27 times. Other wrestlers to have double-digit reigns with the title included Holly, Steven Richards, Bradshaw, Shawn Stasiak, Tommy Dreamer and Bubba Ray Dudley.

Some of the more unorthodox champions included Terri Runnels, Molly Holly and one of The Godfather's "Hos."

The title existed from 1998-2002 and was briefly considered one of the titles needed to be considered a Grand Slam Champion. Kane, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Jeff Hardy, John Bradshaw Layfield, Christian and Big Show all held the title at least once en route to their spots as grand slam champions.

The rule was later changed to only require one world title reign, one tag title reign and reigns with both the Intercontinental and United States Championships. Rey Mysterio became the latest man to earn the Grand Slam Champion honor on Sunday night, defeating Samoa Joe for the United States Championship.