Ric Flair Regrets Declaring His Retirement Match His Last Match

Ric Flair teamed with Andrade El Idolo to beat Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett at the Ric Flair's Last Match event in Nashville back on July 31. "The Nature Boy" swore up and down heading into the bout that it would be his last match, but now he seems to be regretting that decision. Flair was down in Puerto Rico a mere six days after the match for the World Wrestling Council's 49th Anniversary event and got into a brawl with Carlos Colon while El Idolo took on Carlito. He mentioned on To Be The Man this week that he had to shoot down the booker's idea of having him wrestle too.

"I wish I hadn't said it was my last match," Flair said. "That's gonna get heat. Hell, they wanted me to wrestle in Puerto Rico on Saturday night. I said, 'Guys, I cannot get in the ring one week later.' And the guy looked at me and said, 'Well, you know what, could retire in Puerto Rico can't you?' No, no, no that's not the point."

Flair admitted elsewhere in the episode that he passed out twice during the tag match due to dehydration. That included just before the finish, in which he was helped to his feet so he could nail Jarrett with brass knuckles before applying the Figure Four Leglock.

"Then at that point, along came the guitar, right. Down, bingo. Well, I was down. I passed out again. I just passed out, and [Andrade] is going, 'Sir, you have to wake up. I have the brass knuckles. Sir, you have to wake up.' Then I woke up, I knew where we were, and we're home. But I swear to god, twice during the match, I went completely black," Flair said while describing the final sequence

"My hand started trembling, but it was all dehydration," he later added. "I had two doctors in there right away with me and everything, and The Undertaker came running in. I had like six beers there. He took them out of my hand and said, 'You're drinking two Gatorades first.' So I drank two, and that's all it was. I underestimated the importance of keeping hydrated, which is really big, especially when I lost that much weight and trained that hard."

Do you think Flair will get back in the ring now that he seems to be regretting his initial declaration? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments.

h/t Sportskeeda