Seth Rollins Confirms His Curb Stomp Finisher Is Not Banned Again

Seth Rollins used his signature Superplex into a Falcon Arrow combination on Monday Night Raw this [...]

Seth Rollins used his signature Superplex into a Falcon Arrow combination on Monday Night Raw this week to retain his Intercontinental Championship against Dolph Ziggler.

While he's been using the combo for months, Monday's match marked a rare occasion where it managed to get a pinfall. Speculation quickly hit social media afterwards that Rollins' original finisher, the Curb Stomp, had once again been banned by the WWE.

After one reporter claimed he had sources saying the move was gone, Rollins responded on Twitter by saying it wasn't true.

"Your source is incorrect bubba," Rollins wrote.

Rollins began using the Curb Stomp as his go-to finisher when he turned heel in 2014 and aligned himself with The Authority. He used the move to win the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 31 while cashing in his Money in the Bank contract on Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, but began using Triple H's Pedigree shortly thereafter.

Rollins explained in a 2017 interview that the decision to change his finisher was a direct order from Vince McMahon, who worried the move was too easy for kids to imitate.

"After WrestleMania, I had won the title, and I flew across the country to do the Today Show. For the Today Show, they put together a package of all of Seth Rollins' awesome maneuvers. At the time, my finish was The Curbstomp," Rollins said.

"So Vince McMahon is sitting wherever Vince McMahon sits on a Monday morning and he's seeing me on the Today Show and I look good in a suit. I'm representing the company. I look good in a suit. And I'm wearing the title and then he sees this package of me stomping another man's head into the ground and it being called The Curbstomp on national television. And he thought to himself, 'well, that's not a good representation of what I want my top guy to do,' so he just had a meeting with some of his people, and they decided, 'well, we don't need it - we can figure out another finish for you' and the rest is history. I get it. I hate it. I think it's silly, but it is what it is and it's not my company. I'm doing the best I can with it."

Eventually Rollins would reintegrate the Curb Stomp into his arsenal, though WWE commentators usually refer to it as just "The Stomp" on television.

Rollins won the Intercontinental Championship for the second time in his career back at SummerSlam by beating Ziggler.