WWE Backlash: Braun Strowman Retains Universal Title Over The Miz, John Morrison

Braun Strowman brought his WWE Universal Championship to Backlash in a title defense against both [...]

Braun Strowman brought his WWE Universal Championship to Backlash in a title defense against both The Miz and John Morrison in a handicap match. The match followed several weeks of build, including some juvenile pranks on SmackDown that included Miz and Morrison hiding in a control truck in the parking lot and directing slime and protein drink gags. They even took some golf clubs to Strowman's classic muscle car. That was all followed by Miz and Morrison debuting a music video that fans found hilarious.

The match at Backlash followed the same script that you would think: Miz and Morrison using their speed and athleticism to distract Strowman and attack him from multiple directions.

However, we did see the team have some dissention. Morrison covered Strowman at one point and Miz thought he might win the title, so he pulled his partner off Strowman. After Miz realized what he had done, he then let Morrison cover again uninterrupted but the damage was done. Strowman hit the running power slam on Morrison for the victory.

It would seem that Strowman would move on to something else following the victory, and we'll have to see where the team of Morrison and Miz goes from here and whether that finish will start a slow break-up.