CM Punk Lists His Favorite Pro Wrestling Promos

Now that WWE Backstage is done as a weekly show, it could be quite some time before we see CM Punk [...]

Now that WWE Backstage is done as a weekly show, it could be quite some time before we see CM Punk giving his takes on pro wrestling again. But when he spotted a Twitter poll on Monday regarding the greatest promos of all time, the former WWE Champion couldn't resist. The WWE on BT Sport account posed a question to its readers — of the nine promos it listed, which three would they save while the other six were deleted forever. The options include Dusty Rhodes' Hard Times, AJ Lee's shoot promo on the Bellas, Mark Henry's salmon suit retirement, Paul Heyman's One Night Stand promo, the Pipe Bomb, Miz's shoot on Talking Smack, Austin 3:16, the Rock's pre-Armageddon promo and Randy Savage's Cream of the Crop.

Punk picked his Pipe Bomb (naturally), Hard Times and Austin 3:16. He also pointed out that Lee, his wife, was the only woman on the list.

Do you agree with his picks? Let us know down in the comments!

In his last WWE Backstage appearance, Punk called out WWE for how they handicapped the Edge/Randy Orton match at Backlash by promoting it as "The Greatest Match Ever."

"I think if you're Randy and Edge you just ignore that, you can't live up to that, it's too subjective of a label," Punk said. "'Greatest Match of All Time,' what's the 'Greatest Single of All Time'? Music-wise. What's the 'Greatest Band of All-Time'? What's the 'Greatest Car of All Time?' It's too subjective. Everybody's going to have a different opinion, but I think that's what makes wrestling great. You can talk about all these different wrestlers from all these different regions from all over the world who wrestle a different style, and sometimes in the ring you get magic. I think they had a great match. Was it the greatest match of all time? I've seen better Randy Orton matches. I've seen better Edge matches.

"But... to put that on the marquee, and get people to watch, I kind of feel like it was a lot of unnecessary pressure — especially on Edge — coming back after almost a decade of not wrestling," he added. "They did a great job of compartmentalizing that, and almost ignoring it, just going out there and delivering."