Kofi Kingston Imagines What a WWE Championship Match With Drew McIntyre Could Be

Kofi Kingston has had some truly unforgettable moments throughout his career, and if you're going [...]

Kofi Kingston has had some truly unforgettable moments throughout his career, and if you're going to assemble a top 10 list of those moments, you've got to include Kingston's awe-inspiring Boom Drop he delivered at 2010's Money in the Bank. The unfortunate person on the other end of that move happened to be Drew McIntyre, and while we imagine it hurt at the time, he's done quite well for himself since then, as has Kingston. Both stars have become WWE Champions since then, and after watching that replay, we wondered what a rematch of these two would look like in 2020. ComicBook.com had the chance to speak to Kingston recently, so we had to ask if we'd ever get a sequel to that move against McIntyre or a full-on match between the two, and Kingston seems intrigued at what that could look like.

"Maybe. It'd interesting to revisit because the story that we had way back in the day when Drew was the Chosen One and he's gone on such a journey," Kingston said. "Leaving the company, traveling the world, coming back and now becoming WWE champion. My story, we all know that and how hard I had to fight, and I think it would be very, very interesting."

Kingston seems up for it, though he does have one reservation about going against McIntyre, and we can't blame him.

"But Drew McIntyre hits very, very hard," Kingston said. "He's probably one of the hardest hitting opponents that I've ever faced. I remember being in the ring with him at one point earlier in my career, and I was in the corner and he clotheslined me the corner. I was like, 'Oh wow, this guy. He's got some power tools.' So I'll be a little bit smarter now if I had to face him, a lot more bobbing and weaving, trying not to get hit by this guy. I think it'd be really, really interesting like you said."

Revisiting a matchup after some time away can make for a much better match, and the same could be true for a Kingston vs McIntyre match.

"One of my favorite things in the business is, for example, you had the Intercontinental Championship back in the day," Kingston said. "You had Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart and they would feud for the Intercontinental Championship, and had these amazing matches. And then they'd go off and do their own thing and then come back, and then they were feuding for the WWE championship. You already knew the quality of matches you were going to get based on the foundation that they laid in those Intercontinental Championship matches."

"So I always love that, and this happened with myself and Dolph Ziggler, where we would wrestle for the Intercontinental Championship, for the United States Championship, and then we went off and did our thing, then we came back and were wrestling for the WWE Championship," Kingston said. "Yeah, I love when it all comes back around like that, so I would definitely not be opposed to getting into some kind of a story with Drew. It would be interesting, we would get a fun story to tell, for sure."

It's something we definitely want to see, and we're sure plenty of other WWE fans would be right there with us. For now though you can catch Kingston every Friday night on SmackDown, and McIntyre can be found on Monday Night Raw.

Would you want to see this matchup happen in 2020? let us know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MattAguilarCB for all things WWE!