Keith Lee Responds to Finn Balor's Challenge for His NXT North American Championship

Last night's NXT dealt with the fallout from TakeOver: In Your House, but it also launched several [...]

Last night's NXT dealt with the fallout from TakeOver: In Your House, but it also launched several promising new feuds. One of the more anticipated match-ups in NXT was teased after Finn Balor's match against Cameron Grimes, as after his victory Balor spoke to the camera and delivered a message to North American Champion Keith Lee, telling Lee that if he was done playing house Balor would be ready to take him on for the Championship. From Lee's response, it would seem that he is intrigued by the premise, and we're one step closer to actually seeing them throw down in the ring.

"Not gonna lie....I wanted to make certain the ladies would be okay. I know Mia is. Candice on the other hand.... 😵😵 But I see you Prinxe. And I read you loud and clear. Consider me intrigued," Lee wrote on Twitter.

Lee is referring to his Mixed Tag Match on last night's NXT, as he teamed up with Mia Yim against Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae. Gargano and LeRae got the victory in that match, but it was because Gargano put the win before his wife's well being, as his actions caused Lee to fall on top of her at one point and then Gargano slammed and rolled up Lee later while Lee was carrying LeRae out of the ring, which resulted in her flying out of the ring.

We imagine that feud isn't over just yet, but it seems that Lee has a new challenger to his North American Championship if he still has it after this feud against Gargano, and we can't wait to see it.

As Balor mentioned in his initial promo, he's won several championships, but he's never won the North American Championship, and that is something he is looking to fix. Balor was initially looking to take on Walter, which is why he was taking on other members of Imperium, but Walter has been stuck overseas because of the coronavirus pandemic. That's resulted in some shifting for Balor, and after his small feud with Grimes he's ready for a bigger target, and Lee is up next.

Are you excited for Lee vs Balor? Let us know in the comments or let me know on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!