Gotham: The Maniax Red Band Trailer Released

Following the premiere of Gotham's second season last night, Fox has released a new trailer [...]

Following the premiere of Gotham's second season last night, Fox has released a new trailer highlighting the new band of villains.

The red band trailer, focusing on the self-proclaimed "Maniax," showcases the ruthless violence and criminal records of the group, including Jerome, Barbara, Arnold, Aaron, and Robert.

Check it out for yourself below.

On the heels of his reinstatement, Gordon is thrust onto the high-profile case tracking the deadly inmate escape from Arkham Asylum. Meanwhile, Galavan plans his next move, while Bruce asks for help from his father's old friend to unlock the secrets in his office, and Nygma asks out Kristin Kringle (guest-star Chelsea Spack) on a date.

Gotham airs Monday on Fox at 8 PM PST.