Stephen Amell Teases Four Night DC TV Crossover Event

With Supergirl's debut on the CW later this year, it will introduce a fourth DC Comics-inspired TV [...]

With Supergirl's debut on the CW later this year, it will introduce a fourth DC Comics-inspired TV show on the network's roster. Arrow star Stephen Amell views this as a grand opportunity to get everyone together for one big event.

During a panel at Wizard World Philadelphia, our onsite reporter Brandon Davis brings us news of what Amell would like to see happen with all four shows now being on the same network.

"I think what we'll end up seeing is one giant four-night crossover. No seriously. (to much applause). How we're going to end up doing that...I don't know. But um, this is really um, this is kind of an unprecedented moment in terms of the history of network television. To have four shows, same showrunner. Um, obviously Supergirl is in a little bit of a different universe, but we can fix that. That's one line of dialogue and it's all fixed. So I would suspect Oliver will be meeting Supergirl at some point."

CW Crossover

I love that "one line of dialogue" comment, and it got a fantastic response from the audience.

When asked how he sees Arrow fitting into a setup like that, Amell said: "All I want to see is Supergirl fly and David Ramsey's reaction to it. That's really all we want to see. And I'm still mad I haven't shared a scene with Victor Garber yet, so as long as that ends up happening I'll be good."

Yeah, the look on Diggle's face would probably be worth the effort alone. I imagine something like this is already in the works, and hopefully, it won't be long before it becomes a reality.