Graves Will Receive League of Legends' Next Victorious Skin

The champion receiving League of Legends’ next Victorious skins appears to be going to Graves [...]

League of Legends Victorious Graves
(Photo: Riot Games)

The champion receiving League of Legends' next Victorious skins appears to be going to Graves thanks to a seemingly accidental confirmation following a Victorious teaser.

A preview of the upcoming Victorious skin was released via League of Legends' social media accounts and quickly got players wondering who the recipient of the prestigious skin would be. While there was some debate about which champion would be Victorious during Season 7, a news update that looks to have mistakenly gone live on the League's TR timeline. The post was removed from the site, but not before several watchful players were able to notice the apparent leak.

League of Legends Victorious Skin

From looking at the teaser image that was shown above, it was probably pretty apparent from champ's features that Graves was the lucky champion for this year. However, there were some that thought that it might instead be hinting at a skin for Jhin, another champion who's had quite the impact on League despite being on the Rift for a relatively short time.

Those who disagreed with the notion that it could be Graves pointed to the fact that his weapon didn't exactly match the outlaw's trusty shotgun while also adding that he didn't look buff enough to be Graves. But when taking the champion's other features into consideration – the mustache being the most obvious sign along with his hairstyle and apparent lack of a mask – Graves certainly seemed like the prime candidate even before the confirmation.

As is the case every time when one champion is chosen among the diverse League roster to receive a skin, plenty of players weren't pleased with Graves getting the skin after it was prematurely confirmed. The clamoring for a mid-lane Victorious skin was heard loud and clear with other champions like Sivir and Maokai and now Graves being the lucky recipients recently and others like Syndra and Orianna being quite impactful but still not chosen. However, others were quick to point out how dominant Graves was during the start of Season 7. The meta has indeed changed quite a bit since the Victorious skin was likely decided upon, but Graves held his own as a pick/ban champion for quite a while, long enough to be a suitable fit for the skin.

An official announcement with more details about the Victorious skin will likely come soon.