Sony's Focus Remains On PSVR, Third Party Exclusive Content Not A Priority

A new year, a new goal. Many developers and gaming companies are preparing for big reveals and [...]


A new year, a new goal. Many developers and gaming companies are preparing for big reveals and renewed focus as 2018 kicks off. Sony continues to be a powerful name in the gaming industry, and their PlayStation 4 console continues to soar in popularity. One thing that 2017 continued in its tradition with the PS platform is the amount of timed exclusives with third party contracts, such as Call of Duty and Destiny-specific content. This seems to give them a huge competitive edge, especially for those AAA titles that millions are excited for. That being said, one IDC analyst says that this means of co-branding isn't actually as important as many think. In fact, it's more tactical than anything.

Lewis Ward, the IDC's Research Director, spoke with Gaming Bolt to discuss strategic terminology Sony uses, and what 2018's goals include:

"This is a way of using the word "exclusive" without having to actually pony up all the dough to get a full exclusive game. I think most players see through this, and I don't think it's a big factor in platform buying decisions."

"It'll be a slow burn," he said when going into more detail about their PSVR focus. "I really want to play Doom in VR just to see if it's great – or has me puking in the first hour. I think it'll be a few years before PS VR hits a 10% attach rate to PS4 consoles in North America, but I think this tech will get better in rev 2 and the content will get better and more varied, and so Sony will stick with it through the end of the PS4 lifecycle at least."

According to Ward, PSVR won't be abandoned like the PS Move tech was, and that they are planning for a long-term success in an ever growing Virtual Reality market. We can't wait to see what else the PSVR has in store. For those of you that may have received this shiny new piece of tech over the holidays, you won't want to miss this buy one, get one free special going on now for the Skyrim and DOOM VR experiences.