Riot Games Co-Founder Teases League of Legends MMO

A simple question from the co-founder of Riot about opinions on a League of Legends MMO has people [...]

A simple question from the co-founder of Riot about opinions on a League of Legends MMO has people excited for the possibility of such a project coming to fruition.

Riot Games' Marc "Tryndamere" Merrill who co-founded and co-created both Riot Games and League of Legends hinted at the idea on Twitter by asking if people would be in favor of building an MMO based on the game or not. The responses seemed to be overwhelmingly in favor of seeing the project become a reality with League of Legends players and personalities chiming in to voice their approval of the idea.

This isn't a commitment from Riot Games that a League of Legends MMO could happen since there's been no official mentioning of the project in the past, but if the co-creator of the game is tweeting about it, it gives us more than a sliver of hope that it could happen. The inspiration behind Merrill's tweet came from the quoted tweet from the League of Legends Twitter account hat shared a link to the interactive map of Runeterra that was just released on Tuesday. A long-awaited map of the world of League of Legends with all its factions and points of interest accounted for, the map contains extensive background info for each area and artwork that depicts what the different regions look like.

With the new map giving an even more in-depth look at the world of League of Legends, it's just one more component to the game that adds to all the pieces that could potentially fit together in an MMO. There are over 140 champions in the game with a backstory for each one, comics that tie them together with rivalries and relationships, and much more found through the game's Universe page that's filled with so much information that it'd take days or weeks to digest it all. Wrap all of that into an MMO based on League and you've got a recipe for a game that'll keep people invested just a long as Riot Games' MOBA has.

Riot Games hasn't announced anything firmly related to an MMO, but tweets like Merrill's can give us hope.