Assassin's Creed Live-Action Netflix TV Series Adds Die Hard Writer

Even though it didn't have any major updates to share during E3 2021, Ubisoft is still very much [...]

Even though it didn't have any major updates to share during E3 2021, Ubisoft is still very much in the process of creating a TV series based on its highly popular series Assassin's Creed with Netflix. Even though the show is still very early on in development and doesn't yet have a release window, a new writer that has previously worked on some high-profile action franchises has now been attached to write on the project.

As reported by Variety, Netflix's Assassin's Creed TV series is now said to have added Jeb Stuart to its writing team. Stuart is a veteran in the film and TV industries and has previously worked on properties such as Die Hard and The Fugitive. More recently, he has also collaborated with Netflix on Vikings: Valhalla, which is a spin-off based on the series of the same name.

As a whole, there is still very little that we know about this Assassin's Creed project. Ubisoft's Jason Altman and Danielle Kreinik are said to also be attached, but other than that, no additional information has really surfaced over the past few months. The fact that Stuart has now been brought aboard does seem to indicate that things are beginning to happen a bit more behind the scene.

Likely the most notable thing that longtime fans of the video game property are curious to know about with the television series comes with where it will take place. The Assassin's Creed franchise is one that often jumps around to various locations within history, meaning that there is no set destination for Netflix to take this TV series. While eras such as Ancient Egypt, Renaissance Italy, and The Crusades make for the backdrop of some of the most popular installments in the video game series, it remains to be seen if any of these time periods will also show up in the Netflix show.

So what do you think about this news? And where would you like to see Netflix take Assassin's Creed in the future? Let me know either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12.