
Watch All Of Roger Corman’s Fantastic Four Right Now

Josh Trank’s Fantastic movie was far from what most critics and audiences wanted for […]

Josh Trank’s Fantastic movie was far from what most critics and audiences wanted for Marvel’s first family. But for all of the complaints viewers have, it’s worth remembering that it could have been far worse.

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Case in point: Roger Corman’s much-maligned Fantastic Four from 1994. The infamous film was so cheesy, under-budgeted, and just plain bad, that Marvel prevented it from ever reaching movie theaters. But the Internet being the treasure chest that it is, unearthed and posted the entire ninety-minute spectacle for fans’ streaming (dis)pleasure.

You can watch the whole movie below, and possibly find mercy for Josh Trank in knowing that he’s not the only one to fumble a live-action Fantastic Four.

The Fantastic Four (1994 unreleased) Roger Corman by yourgeeknews

So why was this movie so bad? For the full story behind Corman’s doomed project, check out’s Throwback Thursday piece on the movie.

Video Courtesy of Your Geek News