
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Gets The Friends Treatment

Some people just can’t let the opportunity to do a Friends parody with the most unlikely of source […]

Some people just can’t let the opportunity to do a Friends parody with the most unlikely of source material pass them by. That’s the case for Youtuber “Darth Blender,” who mashed up Friends with Star Wars: The Force Awakens in this video.

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It’s appropriately goofy, using footage from throughout the film – especially moments of smiling or laughter. The best part, though, is the intro, where Blender uses a laugh track to do his own “cold open” portion before the credits roll.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits Digital HD tomorrow, April 1, and Blu-ray/DVD on Tuesday, April 5.

Have you seen Dawn of Justice yet? If so, go rate it in the Movie Database for a chance to win your very own Armored Batman figure!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in theaters.