Throughout the first season of Westworld, fans couldn’t keep themselves off of the Internet. Each week, thousands of people would flood social media and message boards, trying to put together the show’s biggest twists.
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In the finale, many of these theories were either proven, or finally laid to rest. However, the events of that final episode put a whole new set of circumstances into motion. When you thought you had all of the answers, awhole new set of problems popped up out of the ground.
What’s going to happen when Westworld returns in 2018??
There is plenty of time to think about it, and fans are already hard at work. There are plenty of theories floating around about the new season, and here are a few of the best.
Warning: Major Westworld spoilers are ahead. If you haven’t finished season one, you may want to turn back.
Ford Will Return
At the end of Westworld‘sย first season, Ford was definitely killed. There’s no denying that his shot to the head wasn’t an accident, and couldn’t have been faked. The guy is definitely dead.
However, many fans have started to argueย that Ford will be back in season two.ย
Back in episode seven, when Teresa was murdered, Ford was seen building new hosts underground.ย Everyone thought that this was Teresa’s clone that he was building, but no one has seen said clone.
The new theory states that Ford was building himself, just as he built Arnold’s clone when he was killed.ย
With this in mind, Ford could reappear next season as a host.ย

Samurai World
This is basically a proven theory at this point, but everyone is chatting about the potential of different worlds in season two.
Samurai World was the most heavily-teased, as hosts and advertisements were spotted in the season one finale.
No one has confirmed that these Samurai will have their own park, but fans aren’t doubting it at this point.

Elsie Didn’t Die
About halfway through the first season, Elsie was kidnapped. The character had learned too much information, was on the verge of a major discovery, and was seemingly abducted while inside the park.
Later, it was revealed that Bernard had taken Elsie, under the direction of Ford. When he learns what he’s done, Bernard is upset for what he did to Elsie, but never actually admits to killing her.
Many fans believe Elsie was kidnapped, maybe beaten, but not killed. It’s obvious Bernard wasn’t always controlled by Ford, so the hope here is that he kept himself from killing her.
What’s the HBO rule? If you didn’t see them die, it probably didn’t happen.

Modern Logan Will Appear
Last time we saw Logan, he was riding off into the desert on a horse. As everyone learned in the final two episodes of the season, that was a number of years before the current timeline.
So, William is back as the Man in Black, but where’s Logan?
They were actively involved with each other’s lives, so it’s unlikely William actually killed the guy. Odds are he’s still around, just not in the park.
It would make for a major turn in season two, if Logan came back to cause some trouble for the Man in Black.

Delos Is Underwater
There has been a ton of debate about where Westworld is actually located, but a recent theory has seemed to gain the most traction.
According to The Film Theorists, Westworldย is actually a bio-dome underwater.
In the detailed video, this theory explains how the climate, locale, and interactions of the park actually all work to prove its location.
If you’ve got 15 minutes to kill, check out the whole video.
