'Saturday Night Live' Parodies Horror Movies in Chad's 'The Unknown Caller'

After disappearing for over a year, Chad (Pete Davidson) returned to Saturday Night Live this [...]

After disappearing for over a year, Chad (Pete Davidson) returned to Saturday Night Live this weekend in a hilarious taped skit alongside Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse star John Mulaney.

Called The Unknown Caller, the skit follows Davidson's apathetic Chad as he's unwittingly tormented by a psychopathic killer. Throughout the three-minute skit, Chad manages to find himself in stereotypical slasher film situations, only to sit back down and continue watching his Ridiculousness marathon. Mulaney plays the killer, who's out for revenge after Chad has slept with his girlfriend, sister, and mother.

Last April, Mulaney made a bit of history as he was just the third former Saturday Night Live writer to return to host the show without appearing as a cast member. Most recently, the comedian lent his voice to the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, where he voiced Peter Porker/Spider-Ham.

Though appearing in Spider-Verse in a very light supporting role, Mulaney previously joked about the bipedal pig getting his own movie, where he said his character could be the animal version of one Clark Kent.

"[Spider-Ham] is a fun guy who is capable of great rage," Mulaney joked. "To go see him back at the Daily Beagle – I could see a Watergate-like story at the Beagle where he's both a reporter and Spider-Ham by night."

"[I] never thought that the Clark Kents and the Peter Parkers leaned enough into the day job," he continued. "This would be more like The Post or All The President's Men or Spotlight, but we'd make it family friendly. Lots of bacon jokes, or, 'that's hamfisted.'"

Though Mulaney was joking about a Spider-Ham plot, Spider-Verse producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller have previously confirmed the Oscar-winning film was always meant to be the "tip of the iceberg."

"Look, we wanted to make a movie that felt like it was the tip of the iceberg," Lord admitted. "You could imagine all of these other things. So it's music to our ears that people could imagine a Spider-Noir film, and the Spider-Ham insane cartoon."

"Right. We still have the horse," Miller echoed. "We've got to put the cart behind it. So we'll let it ride down the road a few blocks before we get too big for our britches." Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is now available for digital download. It's scheduled for release on March 19th.


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