'Dragon Ball Super' Finale Debunks Major Fan-Theory

Dragon Ball fans cannot deny it; There are few things they love more than a good conspiracy [...]

Dragon Ball fans cannot deny it; There are few things they love more than a good conspiracy theory. Over the years, the fandom has produced countless theories about the series' sagas, and the 'Universal Survival' arc got the very same treatment. And, after the show's finale, audiences learned one popular fan-theory was bust.

So, you've been warned! Spoilers below!

Last night, Dragon Ball Super wrapped its TV series with a touching finale. Episode 131 brought the Tournament of Power to a close, and fans watched eagerly as the Omni-Kings oversaw its surprising win. Of course, plenty more had their eyes trained on the Grand Priest, but everyone's favorite theory about the deity never came to pass.

If you didn't know already, fans have been convinced the Grand Priest was the real villain of the Tournament of Power. The Omni-Kings may have thought up the event, but the Grand Priest's shady attitude made fans suspicious. His sly expressions and questionable actions made fans classify the character as a likely enemy, but it turns out the fan-theory was wrong. In fact, it seems the opposite was true.

The Grand Priest was hiding something, but the secret was far from villainous.

As it turns out, the Grand Priest and the Omni-Kings were hiding a secret behind the tournament. The deities were rightly feared after they confirmed all of the event's losing universes would be annihilated. However, the Grand Priest and his charges never intended to kill off the realms for good. They foresaw the tournament's winner before it even got started and knew a kind-hearted fighter would wish all the universes back. The event was held primarily for entertainment but to test the character of its destined winner. And, as audiences know, Android 17 lived up to those expectations put upon him.

Of course, there is no telling whether the Grand Priest will continue upholding his righteous status moving forward. Dragon Ball Super's TV show has ended, but everyone attached to the series has hinted a new series will be on its ways soon enough. This latest installment will even continue in December as Dragon Ball Super will release its first film and unveil the next canonical saga after the 'Universal Survival' shtick. The franchise has plenty of time to turn the Grand Priest into a villain if it wants, but the guy didn't make such a turn before episode 131 came around. So, if you made a bet against this fan-theory, it is time you demanded your winnings.

Do you think the Grand Priest may be hiding his true colors even now? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics, k-pop, and anime!