Alita: Battle Angel Sequel Seemingly Teased by Star Jai Courtney
Buckle up Alita: Battle Angel fans because a sequel might be on the way as actor Jai Courtney [...]
Buckle up Alita: Battle Angel fans because a sequel might be on the way as actor Jai Courtney hints at doing some motion capture work for a project that happens to include "roller blading". On the actor's Instagram page, Courtney shared a photo of himself wearing the motion capture gear, as well the motion capture dots strewn across his face, that might be hinting that his character that only appeared for the briefest of cameos in the first film, might be returning for a larger role in a sequel to the cult favorite anime adaptation.
Jai Courtney has appeared in a number of feature length films that placed him into the shoes of some of the biggest pop culture movies, such as playing Captain Boomerang in the first Suicide Squad film (as well as the upcoming sequel/reboot of the series), Kyle Reese in Terminator Genisys, and the son of John McClane in A Good Day To Die Hard. The first Alita: Battle Angel film ended on something of a cliffhanger, with the "big bad" of the story not being handled by the roller blading cyborg female protagonist with many fans waiting patiently to get word of a sequel. While there have been no confirmations as of yet, this certainly seems like the biggest hint that something might be happening!
Jai Courtney shared the mind exploding update on his Official Instagram Account, having many believe that the post is expanding his role from the first anime adaptation and potentially confirming that a second Alita: Battle Angel film is currently in the works:
Again, we can't say with certainty that this is in reference to a sequel of Alita: Battle Angel, as this might allude to his character of Captain Boomerang in the upcoming Suicide Squad film slapping on some skates in the upcoming hijinks directed by James Gunn of Guardians of the Galaxy fame. Needless to say however, this is the biggest piece of news with regards to a potential sequel of the futuristic world of cyborgs and fast paced action that we've seen to date!
Do you think Jai Courtney is hinting at a sequel to Alita: Battle Angel with this post? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Alita!