Dr. Stone Reveals New Season 2 Key Visual

Dr. Stone has released a new key visual for the second season! After being announced along with [...]

Dr. Stone has released a new key visual for the second season! After being announced along with the final episode of the first season, the second season of the anime is now one of the most anticipated returns of the Winter 2021 anime season. Dr. Stone will be returning alongside many other notable anime coming back for a new season next month, and when it does make its big return it will be tackling one of the most beloved arcs of Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi's original Weekly Shonen Jump manga series.

Teasing what's to come in this next arc when it debuts in January 2021, Dr. Stone's official Twitter account has revealed a new key visual featuring many familiar and new faces showing up in the second season as the Stone Wars arc begins when Senku and Tsukasa's respective factions go to war in the winter. Check it out below:

Dr. Stone Season 2 will be premiering in Japan on January 14th, and Crunchyroll has already confirmed that they will be streaming the series alongside its premiere in Japan. Funimation has also confirmed that they will be offering a SimulDub release of the new season at a later date after its initial premiere but has yet to confirm the voices behind some of the new additions coming our way.

As teased in this newest visual for the season, Dr. Stone's Stone Wars arc will be taking on the war between Senku's Kingdom of Science and Tsukasa's Empire of Might and this will bring some new faces into the fray as the series has confirmed who will be providing the voices for these new additions when the new season makes its debut.

What do you think? Are you excited to see what Dr. Stone Season 2 has to offer when it premieres next January? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!
