My Hero Academia Breaks Down Shigaraki's Main Two Goals

My Hero Academia has taken an in-depth look into the world and minds of its villains, making the [...]

My Hero Academia has taken an in-depth look into the world and minds of its villains, making the likes of Twice, Overhaul, and Re-Destro into characters just as compelling as the franchise's heroes. There is perhaps no better example of this than Shigaraki, the young right hand to All For One who was chosen to be the leader of the League of Villains. Following the defeat of Re-Destro and the Meta Liberation Army, the creepy villain has been put in charge of one of the strongest forces ever seen in this universe, the Paranormal Liberation Front.

Warning! Spoilers for the latest chapter of My Hero Academia, Chapter 258, will be dove into so if you want to steer clear, avoid the rest of this article!

As the forces of the Paranormal Liberation Front amass, Hawks, the number two hero in the world, is trying to gather as much information as he can from within their ranks as a secret agent. With the winged wonder learning a good deal, he also is privy to the goals that the super villain army are attempting to accomplish. With two big standouts, Hawks is terrified at the prospect of what Shigaraki is looking to turn the world into.

The super villain army is looking to turn back the clock, bringing the world back to a time of basic lawlessness, where they would not only own the streets but the politicians as well. They also would have Shigaraki as their figurehead, marking the second goal that they would look to bring to fruition: "The Return of All For One". With Shigaraki receiving a massive power boost thanks to the Front's scientist, it's clear that the upcoming battle is going to be one of the biggest that UA Academy has ever faced.

Whether or not Deku and company will all survive the upcoming fight is a question that will certainly be racing through our heads as the manga story arc continues. While we aren't sure when these events will make their way to the anime, it's clear that they'll be something to behold.

What do you think of the final goals of the Paranormal Liberation Front? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and UA Academy!

My Hero Academia was created by Kohei Horikoshi for Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump in 2014. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, who lives in a world where everyone has powers, even though he was born without them. Dreaming to become a superhero anyway, he's eventually scouted by the world's best hero All Might and enrolls in a school for professional heroes.