My Hero Academia Introduces Hero School Mirko
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes takes place years before the start of Kohei Horikoshi's original [...]
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes takes place years before the start of Kohei Horikoshi's original series, and the spin-off's newest chapter has introduced a much younger version of Mirko before she officially became the Rabbit Hero pro that we meet in the main series. The spin-off has explored a lot of the elements that we later see in the official My Hero Academia story, but it's also given us a look back on some of our favorite pro heroes like Aizawa, Midnight, Endeavor and more. Now it seems that it's going to be Mirko's time to shine next.
With My Hero Academia: Vigilantes currently exploring Knuckleduster before he began his life as a vigilante, the newest chapter has taken fans to a different side of the My Hero Academia world. It's given us a look at other younger heroes such as Fat Gum, but more importantly, we got to see a younger version of Mirko.
Chapter 87 of the series sees Knuckleduster (who in this flashback is still acting as the pro hero O'Clock) undercover in a fighting ring that we actually see in the main series during the Shin Hassaikai arc. As one connection, an early version of Rappa is the one fighting off against Knuckleduster. Soon, we see a young girl with a takoyaki hat on her head.
Sensing that there's a battle nearby, the young Mirko notes that her "favorite thing" is near as she smells the scent of "blood and sweat" in the air. Excited that there's a fight nearby, she jumps straight into the air and across the rooftops. As the chapter comes to an end, we see the young Mirko's profile come into focus.
Spotting the building where the fighting ring is taking place, Mirko smiles and poises herself for a battle that she's clearly not authorized to be a part of. Considering what we know she is capable of after seeing her in action in the main series, it's going to be interesting to see what a young Mirko will do.
This rough around the edges version of the pro will most definitely be a wild card in the next chapter, and it will be exciting to see what she does next! But what do you think? Are you excited to see a younger version of Mirko in action in My Hero Academia: Vigilantes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!