One Piece Shares Yamato's New Goal

The Wano Arc has finally come to an official conclusion in One Piece's manga, but the series had one major surprise left for Luffy and his crew before the Thousand Sunny left the shores of the isolated nation. With Yamato becoming one of the biggest characters introduced during the battle against the Beast Pirates, the offspring of Kaido has revealed his new mission and it definitely might come as a surprise to fans of the Grand Line.   

Warning. If you have yet to read the latest chapter of One Piece's manga, Chapter 1057, you might want to steer clear as we'll be diving into some serious spoiler territory.

It would seem that the offspring of Kaido won't be joining the Straw Hat Pirates on their final arc, with Yamato deciding that instead of setting sail alongside Luffy and his crew, he would be taking the same journey as Kozuki Oden and travel across Wano before hitting the open seas. Yamato takes the opportunity to explain his decision to Momonosuke and Kinnemon before they see the Straw Hats on their way:

"I've already told Luffy and his friends that I'm not going. Well, Oden started his travels by walking about the country, didn't he? I know so little about the world, just life him! So I'll follow the same path, and eventually, it will take me out to sea." 

Yamato's decision comes as an extremely surprising one, with most readers thinking that the offspring of Kaido was a surefire bet to be the newest member of Luffy's crew. Luckily for Yamato, the invitation to join the Straw Hats has been left open should he eventually change his mind, with the rest of the Nine Scabbards and Momonosuke himself all receiving a similar invitation. 

As Luffy and his fellow Straw Hats venture forth to their last adventure, it would seem that they will be adding no new members to their ship from Wano Country, though the memories they made and battles that they endured have had a lasting impact on their lives. 

What do you think of Yamato not joining the Straw Hat Pirates for their final journey? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line. 
