
5 Of The Best Things To Do on Batman Day

It’s Batman Day! What’s that you say? Everyday is Batman Day? Well you are correct, sir, but […]

It’s Batman Day! What’s that you say? Everyday is Batman Day? Well you are correct, sir, but this is the one that DC Comics promotes as Batman Day so we’re legally required to say Batman Day as often as we can. (have we hit the quota yet? No? okay) So here on Batman Day, we’ve come up with five ridiculous Batman Day activities to get the most Batman out of your Day as you possibly can.

Batman Day.

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Put on a Batman Mask

Now look, we’re not telling you to go fight crime. In fact, legal says we should specifically say that vigilantism is against the law and that’s not what you should do for Batman Day.

But putting on a Batman Mask makes everything better. Put on a Batman Mask, and suddenly you feel more powerful and accomplished. So put on a Batman Mask, then do whatever else you were going to do on Saturday. Mow the lawn (in a Batman Mask)! Watch college football (in a Batman Mask)! Go shout at birds at the abandoned train station (in a Batman Mask)!

Finally eat that potato chip that you were super convinced looked like Batman but your wife said you were crazy and was yelling at you for keeping


Watch all the Batman: Arkham cutscenes on youtube

Look, maybe you don’t have a new game system. Maybe you’re awful at video games. Or maybe you just don’t have time for video games anymore, at least not enough to play thirty hours of a game for a couple hours of story.

Thanks to the magic of youtube, you don’t have to! Sit down, crack open your favorite beverage, and lose a few hours of your life watching all the cutscenes from the Batman: Arkham series. It’s actually a pretty cool story. Remember, Origins comes first in chronological order (because it’s, you know, Origins) so watch those first. There’s a really cool Joker thing in there.

Go to a zoo that has bats!

Go to a zoo, and pet a bat! Lots of zoos have bats, and many of them will even take one out and let you pet it. The person, who’s an expert zoologist focusing on bats? THAT’S A BAT-MAN.

Get it?


Sing the Batman Theme Song – All Day

Go to the grocery store. When the clerk asks you how your day is going, just say, “nananananananana BATMAN!”

Head down to the bar. When the bartender asks you what you’d like, just say, “nananananananana BATMAN!”

Call your boss. When he asks why you’re calling on a weekend, just say, “nananananananana BATMAN!”*


*please don’t get fired, and if you do, it’s not our fault. nananananananana BATMAN!

**Bonus points, do the Batusi while you sing.