On Tuesday night, Yvonne Craig’s official website announced that the beloved actress had passed away on Monday from cancer. While Craig appeared in numerous TV series, she was best known for her role as Batgirl on the sixties Batman TV series.
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Earlier today, Batman star Adam West took to social media to remember and pay tribute to his co-star.
“I was deeply saddened for us to lose Yvonne,” wrote West. “It was too soon. She always brought humor and a fine attitude to our stage. She was a joy to work with. A good person. My heartfelt condolences to Yvonne’s family. We will miss her.”
I was deeply saddened for us to lose Yvonne. It was too soon. She always brought humor and a fine attitude to our stage….
Posted by Adam West on Wednesday, August 19, 2015
In lieu of flowers, Craig’s family has asked fans to make donations to: The Angeles Clinic Foundation by mail at 2001 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404 or at www.theangelesclinicfoundation.org.