Superman and Wonder Woman may be dating in the comics, but the actor who plays Lois Lane in the films doesn’t want to be competing with the Amazing Amazon for Henry Cavill’s onscreen attentions.”Am I interested? I don’t know,” she told Superhero Hype. “I mean, we’ll see. I hope that I can be involved with a woman on screen where we’re not in a love triangle. That would be fun. Maybe where we team up together and we work as teammates instead of adversaries. That would be fun. It would be nice of women weren’t always catfighting and stuff!”You can check out the video below, along with apparently an extended version coming later in the week that we’ll keep our eyes open for.
Batman vs. Superman’s Amy Adams Not Interested In Wonder Woman Love Triangle
Superman and Wonder Woman may be dating in the comics, but the actor who plays Lois Lane in the […]