
Man Of Steel Review Roundup

With Man Of Steel premiering in theaters this weekend, we’ve rounded-up of some of the best (and […]
Man of Steel Reviews

With Man Of Steel premiering in theaters this weekend, we’ve rounded-up of some of the best (and worst) quotes from various reviews.According to The Christian Post, “Overall, Man of Steel should be a film that pleases both comic book and film fans. The story is compelling, the visuals are mindblowing, the score invokes the right emotions, and the acting brings these older characters to a place of relevancy in today’s society.”According to The CW 44, “Man of Steel is a great start to kicking off the new franchise that will hopefully lead us into a long-awaited Justice League movie. It seems Cavill, Snyder and a little mentoring from Christopher Nolan has the DC Universe moving in the right direction on the big screen. Overall, I give Man of Steel 3 1/2 out of 4 super potatoes.”According to Comic Book Resources, “While it has many strengths to offer, the film is not a completely satisfying whole. But, at the very least, Superman finally gets to fight someone with his fists and that is definitely a satisfying thing to see.”According to IndieWire, “Goyer and Nolan have crafted in Man of Steel a taut, exploratory vision, and Snyder’s later inheritance of the material indeed proves his best work since Dawn of the Dead.”According to The Verge, “In other words, thanks to Man of Steel, Superman has truly earned the right to have fun saving people again, precisely because his two sets of fathers โ€” both on-screen and behind the camera โ€” decided to take him seriously.”According to SFX, “Ultimately, Man Of Steel gives us a fresh take on a character who feels like the immutable bedrock of comic book culture.”According to Slashfilm, “Yes, folks, Man of Steel delivers. It’s a phenomenal film and an even better set up for what we hope is a huge, DC Universe.”According to Digital Spy, “Impressive as all this is, Man of Steel is not quite the perfect movie. Snyder’s deployment of handheld camerawork works to create an intimacy between viewer and action, but this aesthetic jars horrendously with the 3D conversion (see in 2D if you can).”According to the Brantford Expositor, “The movie, with its epic special effects, looks fantastic. The action is relentless into the final act. As a popcorn movie, this is a full bucket.”According to Rope Of Silicon, “Overall, Man of Steel is entertaining even though it runs about 25-30 minutes too long. It feels a lot like a film trying really hard not to fail more than trying really hard to work. With nearly 75 percent of it’s 143-minute running time used to set the character up, I’m curious to see where they take the story in the future as I think the one thing this film manages to do is convince us a Superman film can be good, but can they make one that’s truly great?”According to Screencrave, “After the abject failure of Superman Returns, Man of Steel manages to surprise those with low expectations (myself included) with its solid casting and crazy action, but for those expecting the greatest comic book movie of all time, you might need a cold shower.”According to the Guardian, “Superman reboot provides visual fireworks when our hero flies but liaison between Clark Kent and Lois Lane is a damp squib.”According to Variety, “A humorless tone and relentlessly noisy aesthetics drag down this heavily hyped, brilliantly marketed tentpole attraction.”According to The Hollywood Reporter, “To the oft-asked question of whether or not the world is really starving for yet another superhero origin story, Man of Steel simply responds by serving up what could be as much spectacle and action โ€” minute-by-minute, frame-by-frame โ€” as any movie anyone could think of.”According to Inside Pulse, “It’s too early to say where Man of Steel will rank in the pantheon of superhero movies. The origin story is up there with Batman Begins and Clark Kent’s can-do spirit recalls Captain America: The First Avenger. Definitely a good sign, as both are strong comic book movies.”According to Twitch, “Surging with contained energy, often grim, but never oppressive, Man of Steel presents a Superman who is far less concerned with “truth, justice, and the American way” than he is with surviving to fight another day with as much integrity as possible, while preserving alive as many people as possible. Somehow, it still feels like a triumph of the common man over evil.”According to Village Voice, “Despite its preposterous self-seriousness, its overblown, CGI’ed-to-death climax, and its desperate efforts to depict the destruction of, well, everything on Earth, there’s greatness in this retelling of the origin of Superman, moments of intimate grandeur, some marvelous, subtle acting, and a superhero costume that’s a feat of mad mod genius.”According to Screen Daily, “An unapologetically supersized reboot of the Superman franchise, Man Of Steel doesn’t lack for spectacle, but after a while its emphasis on grand gestures and unwavering gravitas stops feeling heroic and begins to seem like overkill.”According to Crave Online, “Awe-inspiring and, by far, the best Superman movie ever made, Man of Steel may not present a new standard for epic filmmaking. But it certainly evokes a grandeur rarely attempted on the big screen anymore, and achieves on a level greater than most other cinematic epics. It’s the Superman we wanted, the Superman we need, and โ€“ thankfully โ€“ the Superman we actually got this time.”According to Showbiz411, “Oh, well. Maybe the fanboys will love this Superman. But the charm of the Donner films is far, far away. What Snyder has going for him is a strong cast. I don’t know how far that will go to help the film past a first weekend. The studio can cross its fingers and hope for big international numbers.”According to Collider, “So much care and devotion has been brought to create the world of Superman, and Superman isn’t there. ย It’s a big, expensive party, and the guest of honor hasn’t shown up. ย Snyder’s take hasn’t corrupted or disrespected the character. ย This isn’t a careless adaptation as much as it’s a misguided one.”According to Dallas News, “It seems leaping tall buildings in a single bound is kid stuff next to the task of unshackling Superman from dominant blockbuster formulas. Not to get misty-eyed about it, but something is wrong when the most classic of comic-book creations becomes just another cog in the machine. In some dark corner of the city, Lex Luthor unleashes a maniacal laugh.”According to PreGame Lobby, “This is the story of an alien to this planet, finding his way on a new world and protecting those he loves. And it’s good. Really good.”According to LegionOfSuperfans, “I was thoroughly entertained by most of this film, and there’s the makings of a great Superman franchise. I think this film was so focused on not being your daddy’s Superman that it forgot what was so cool about that character. There’s a lot of potential here, but they haven’t quite hit the sweet spot yet.”According to Awards Circuit, “There’s no shortage of things to like about this film and audiences, from the most ardent fans to the casual movie watcher, should find themselves having a good time while watching the movie.”According to Movie Watcher’s Guide, “I apologize if you come out of the movie disappointed, but I am willing to bet that won’t happen. Ok, here is the one sentence that sums it all up: Man Of Steel Does For Superman, What Dark Knight Did For Batman.”According to, “Visually amazing, beautifully scored, with a stellar cast, I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, “Man Of Steel is the best comic book movie ever made.” Somehow, Man Of Steel takes the best parts of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy and Marvel Studios’ Avengers movies, and it combines them into one film, while also offering up plenty that is new and different. Man Of Steel is a movie that will both make you think and also thoroughly entertain you.”