During Wednesday night’s CMA Awards, the show opened with a brief Star Wars skit. Or more accurately a brief skit about a canceled Star Wars skit. After Carrie Underwood dressed as Princess Leia rushed to tell Brad Paisley dressed as Guitar Solo that the opening Star Wars bit had been cut, the duo visited various country music singers dressed as Star Wars characters.
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After the skit, Underwood and Paisley did their opening monologue consisting of jokes and songs, before being interrupted by a Stormtrooper. After Underwood wondered what Star Wars star was inside the costume, Paisley raved about Star Wars being his favorite science fiction movie franchise of all time. But after Underwood removed the helmet to reveal William Shatner, Paisley quickly added, “After Star Trek.”
After being told the Star Wars skit was cancelled, Shatner sang “Girl Crush,” before leaving to go to the gift lounge.