DC's Batman Reinvents The Riddler for the Modern Era and It Makes So Much Sense

DC is reinventing The Riddler yet again - and this time they're giving the Batman villain an update for the modern age - and it makes so. Much. Sense.

Batman is trying to pick up the pieces after the game-changing events of DC's "Absolute Power" crossover event, which saw Amanda Waller destroy the DC heroes' public image and simultaneously strip nearly every enhanced, alien, or magic-powered hero of their abilities. Batman and his Bat-Family were instrumental and helping take Waller down and end the threat, having no powers to take. However, the event changed Bruce Wayne's perspective on a lot of things – including how to affect change in Gotham. 

Bruce isn't the only one thinking differently: Edward Nygma, The Riddler, has had a change of heart and has taken up a whole new approach to life. In Batman #153 - part of DC's "All In" relaunch –  it's revealed that Riddler has decided to get into one industry where he can shine: tech, and its strange cousin, cryptocurrency! 


In Batman #153 Nygma is a free man after it was revealed that he was the subject of experiments while at Blackgate Prison (see: past Batman story arcs). In just two months Riddler launches his company "Nygmatech," specializing in cryptographic technology, used to protect data from unauthorized access, modification, or corruption (irony!). Like all arrogant tech moguls (you know the ones), Nygma also launches his own form of cryptocurrency called "Questeum," which explodes in value and allows Riddler to buy his own building in the Financial District of Gotham. It's also eventually revealed that Nygma is using appropriated tech from his fellow villains to bolster his tech empire – like Mr. Freeze's coolant to keep his servers running 

Publicly, Bruce Wayne has to support Nygmatech and its ventures as part of his Gotham revitalization initiative; privately, Batman pays a visit to Nygma's office at night, to let him know that he's on a short leash. It's revealed that Riddler is playing the same kind of game: Nygma has an inside woman in Waynetech CEO Rowan Birkemoe, who he is working with to try and force Bruce Wayne into a merger. Having the Wayne name backing his business will legitimize Nygma in a way he's never been able to achieve on his own. 

Of course, by the end of the issue we know that Riddler is still very much his criminal mastermind self. Gotham's Mayor Nakano is assassinated in his home, while Riddler makes a play to take Bruce's shares of Waynetech – by tracking down his illegitimate brother! 

No names need to be mentioned: It's clear what kind of public figures Riddler is being aligned with now. The cryptocurrency part feels spot on: who else would push that currency but a criminal mastermind who loves confounding people? 

Batman #153 is on sale at DC.