Nightwing #109 Review: Brilliant in Blue and Black

Nightwing #109 proves a triumphant take on a concept that could only happen in superhero comics.

The latest Nightwing title has run for over 100 issues, rebooting with the rest of the DC Comics line as a part of its Rebirth initiative in 2016. Since then, the series has featured plenty of highs and just as many lows but once writer Tom Taylor took the reins of the character, the peaks and valleys largely evened out. Here, in Nightwing #109 this particular mountain top reaches the highest heights readers have seen since Taylor joined the title.

The latest story arc, from Taylor and artist Stephen Byrne, concludes in Nightwing #109 in spectacular fashion. Not only does the comic wrap up its current story arc, but it lays the groundwork for a killer origin for Blüdhaven. On top of all that, it even features some lore-building around the deaths of John and Mary Grayson, including sneaky little tidbits longtime fans of the vigilante should thoroughly appreciate.

Best of all, Taylor and Byrne manage to flesh out one of the character's most critically reviled arcs in recent memory. Remember the days of Ric Grayson? This creative team concocted an explanation for the character's actions and relationship with Bea in a way one can only see in the world of comics. And somehow, some way, it led to Dick Grayson becoming a pirate. Not the kind illegally downloading some new tunes to listen to next time in the Batmobile, but the swashbuckling kind with a sword and peg leg.

Even though it goes to great lengths to make its story work, Nightwing #109 isn't overbearing nor does it outstay its welcome. It lives cozily in its lane while simultaneously teasing those boundaries ever so slightly.

On paper, this issue's scenario is batty, but in execution it works flawlessly. Maybe it's the brisk pace that makes you feel like you're the one swinging from the ropes tied to the ship's mast, or maybe it's Byrne's flawlessly bold line work that pulls your eye in as if you're watching as a bystander. Either way, the pirate arc and, specifically, Nightwing #109 works extremely well. Superhero stories come in all shapes and sizes and this week, it just so happens the best superhero tale you can read comes in the form of a swashbuckling pirate adventure.

Published by DC Comics

On December 19, 2023

Written by Tom Taylor

Art by Stephen Byrne

Colors by Adriano Lucas

Letters by Wes Abbott

Cover by Bruno Redondo