One of the many things that sets The CW’s The Flash apart from other television shows is its beautiful, powerful, and emotional scores, which are composed by Blake Neely (Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow). Now that Season 2 is in the books and Season 3 is on the horizon, La-La Land Records has announced (via Film Music Reporter) that a soundtrack made up of music from the second season will be released later this month.
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The album’s track list:
1. How It Ended / Reluctant Hero (4:35)
2. Harrison’s Will / Henry Released (2:54)
3. Jay Garrick Warns of a Man Called Zoom (2:20)
4. Stein Explains a Multiverse (2:00)
5. Family of Rogues (2:42)
6. Joe Tells Iris the Truth About Her Mother (2:51)
7. The New Firestorm (1:44)
8. Staged Fight to Lure Zoom (2:19)
9. The Face of Your Hero (2:59)
10. Grodd Into the Breach (4:04)
11. Vandal Savage Arrives (1:50)
12. Who Is Kendra? / Hawkman Cometh (3:07)
13. Savage Attack, a Legend Is Born (3:05)
14. You Have a Son, His Name Is Wally (2:02)
15. Let It Snow Villains (3:04)
16. Sending Reverse Flash Back / Wells Betrays (4:56)
17. Welcome to Earth-2 (2:42)
18. Hello, Breachers (2:06)
19. Hunting and Electrifying King Shark (2:21)
20. The Right Decision (3:47)
21. Who Is Hunter Zolomon? (2:36)
22. Ready to Save the World (4:07)
23. Stuck in the Speed Force (3:54)
24. Black Siren in Central City (2:28)
25. The Race of His Life (3:59)
26. I Will Wait for You (3:54)
In Season Two, thanks to Eddie Thawne’s sacrifice, Eodard Thawne has been defeated. But Barry was unable to prove that Thawne killed his mother, so his father remains in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. And a new ally, Jay Garrick, will arrive with news that the Singularity opened portals to an alternate Earth, with a terrifying new enemy named Zoom now on the horizon.
The third season of The Flash will debut on Tuesday, October 4th at 8 p.m. (EST).