CW Releases DC Superhero All Week Trailer

10/21/2016 09:40 am EDT

The CW has created an impressive block of DC superhero TV shows that now includes Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow and DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Having an official DC TV multiverse has been exciting for fans, who are able to invest deeper in the larger story arcs and shared connections than ever before.

In order to promote full DC superhero viewing block, The CW has released a new promotional trailer, which is aptly titled "Superheroes All Week." It basically lets anyone who doesn't already know (not sure what kind of fan that is...) in on the fact that - from Monday through Thursday - you have DC superhero escapism at your service.

So let's review:

...In our opinion, there's something missing from that lineup: A DC supernatural superhero TV show to round out that Friday block! How about Justice League Dark, The Spectre or maybe even the resurrection of Constantine? Now that would be a real act of heroism.

Catch The CW DC superhero TV shows on their appointed days and times.

Disclosure: ComicBook is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of Paramount. Sign up for Paramount+ by clicking here.

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