Batgirl Gets a New Costume

Barbara Gordon has gone through quite a lot in recent issues of Batgirl -- including a pretty [...]

Barbara Gordon has gone through quite a lot in recent issues of Batgirl -- including a pretty unique costume update. Spoilers for Batgirl #38 below! Only look if you want to know!

The issue jumps right in on Barbara's fight against Killer Moth, which proves to be a bit more formidable than she initially thought. Barbara's previous costume, which she updated again while she was living with her father, is clearly the biggest casualty of the fight. Barbara rides the Subway home, and gets some confused looks from the other passengers.

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(Photo: DC Comics)

Once she gets to her apartment, Barbara wonders exactly how to fix her current costume, especially because she essentially has bits and pieces of her other suits at the apartment.

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(Photo: DC Comics)

She decides to try to combine them into a single suit, which she debuts while stopping criminals throughout Gotham in an attempt to lure out Killer Moth. This sparks a very enthusiastic response from the civilians, who declare that she has a new "punk vibe".

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(Photo: DC Comics)

It's unclear exactly which costume pieces make their way into this new-ish suit, outside of a lot of elements from the Batgirl of Burnside redesign from a few years back. The kneepads are definitely a new feature, and even the bat-symbol looks different from what Barbara has worn in recent years.

While there's no telling how long Barbara will have this costume, it's definitely a reset of sorts for her superhero ensemble, now that the new creative team of Cecil Castellucci and Carmine Digiandomenico are on the book.

What do you think of Batgirl's new-ish costume? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Batgirl #38 is available in stores now. Issue #39 will be released on September 25th.