Over 100K People Sign Petition For DC Comics To Pull Second Coming Comic Book

DC Comics' new Vertigo title Second Coming is getting quite the reaction at the moment from a [...]

DC Comics' new Vertigo title Second Coming is getting quite the reaction at the moment from a contingent of fans who are not happy with the new Jesus Christ focused title, and they've started a new petition.

For those unfamiliar with the book, Second Coming is a new Vertigo book from writer Mark Russell and artist Richard Pace and tells the story of Jesus returning to Earth to room with Earth's predominant superhero Sun-Man. From the synopsis, the book seems like Jesus is shocked to learn what has happened to the gospel in his absence, but that didn't seem to stir up people until an interview with Russell expanded on the premise.

"An all-powerful superhero, named Sun-Man, has to share a two bedroom apartment with Jesus Christ," Russell told Bleeding Cool. "The conceit is that God was so upset with Jesus's performance the first time he came to Earth, since he was arrested so soon and crucified shortly after, that he has kept him locked-up since then."

"God then sees this superhero on Earth a few thousand years later and says "that's what I wanted for you!" He sends Jesus down to learn from this superhero and they end up learning from each other," Russell said. "They learn the limitations of each other's approach to the world and its problems."

Those comments have spurred a few different articles taking issue with the book's premise, and a new petition created by CitizenGo is calling for DC to stop the release of the series. So far the petition has 107,760 signatures, with a goal of 200,000 (via Bleeding Cool).

"DC Comics is set to release an outrageous and blasphemous new series featuring Jesus Christ as the sidekick for an "all powerful" superhero. Let DC Comics know that this comic is inappropriate. It should be immediately pulled from their release schedule, the petition reads. "Can you imagine the media and political uproar if DC Comics was altering and poking fun at the story of Muhammad... or Buddha? This blasphemous content should not be tolerated. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. His story should not be ridiculed for the sake of selling comic books."

It's not like this is the first time Jesus has ever appeared in a comic, but it seems many aren't happy with the changes the book is making to the Jesus story. You can read the official description for yourself below.

"Witness the return of Jesus Christ, as He is sent on a most holy mission by God to learn what it takes to be the true messiah of mankind by becoming roommates with the world's favorite savior: the all-powerful super hero Sun-Man, the Last Son of Krispex! But when Christ returns to Earth, he's shocked to discover what has become of his gospel—and now, he aims to set the record straight."