Justice Society of America picks up right where the previous episode left off, with the JSA confronting the Legends. Nate approaches Commander Steel, who is apparently his grandfather, and gets punched out for his trouble. Jax attempts to flirt with Stargirl and Stein attempts to explain the mission, but both fail and the JSA moves to arrest them. There is a fight, but the Legends are quickly defeated by the JSA’s more organized and coordinated efforts.
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The Legends are locked in a cell in the JSA headquarters. Nate, as usual, knows quite a lot about them. The JSA watch from a monitor, joined by Rex Tyler. Rex does not recognize them, in spite of their claims to know him. The JSA discusses throwing the Legends in either prison or a mental hospital.
When the JSA go to talk to the Legends, Commander Steel accuses Nate of being a Nazi spy. Nate responds by rattling off the number on Commander Steel’s dog tags, which he wears himself, giving their time travel story some credibility.

In Paris, also in 1942, The Reverse Flash meets with a Nazi, Baron Kraiger. The Reverse Flash has a serum that can give regular humans super powers, and wants to trade it for the Askaran Amulet, a powerful artifact in Hitler’s collection. He hands over a small sample of the serum as a sign of good faith.
The JSA takes the Legends into a conference room. Rex assumes Stein is their leader, even though Sarah tried to talk to him. The JSA are surprised that the team has a thief (Mick) and assassin (Sarah) among them. The Legends try to explain about the warning future Rex gave them.
Flashback to 2016, when the Legends met Rex Tyler. Rex warned them to never come to 1942, because they would all die. Then he vanished.
Rex does not believe their story, but they are interrupted by a phone call from President Roosevelt. Nate takes advantage of the lull in the interrogation to talk to Commander Steel, but his grandfather is not interested in forging a bond with the son of the child he has not even fathered yet.
Rex explains that the President’s call was about Krieger, who is in Paris. Ray offers the Legend’s help. They are turned down, and the JSA plans to go to Paris, with Vixen going ahead to scout. The Legends are sent away.
On the Waverider, the Legends discuss the need for a leader, and Stein pompously argues it should be him. Sarah agrees before anyone can fight about it.
Sarah finds Nate looking at pictures of Commander Steel in the library. His grandfather is not at all who Nate expected. Sarah starts to explain that they are going to take Nate home, but to his chagrin, but they stop when they realize the dog tags that Nate has worn since childhood are missing. Sarah theorizes that history changed, and the tags have therefore vanished. The JSA are all going to die. Tomorrow.
Nate shows the team what Krieger looks like. Stein comes up with a plan to infiltrate a cabaret where he is going to be. Stein apparently looks similar to Max Lorenz, Hitler’s favorite singer, so that will be his disguise.
Jax confronts Stein about claiming leadership, pointing out that the older man might not be the best one to lead them into war. Stein argues and walks away.
Sarah goes to talk to Nate and sees that he has a nasty bruise, which Nate says is from when Commander Steel punched him. She offers him a pill that will translate for him, but he admits to being fluent in six languages and not needing it. He does, however, want a gun.
At the cabaret, Stein successfully passes himself off as Lorenz, with most of the team as his guests. (Except Mick, who is a waiter.)
Ray sees Vixen dancing with a man, and cuts in. She is not happy to see him there. Ray fills her in and brings her to the team, when they are suddenly confronted by a Nazi General who does not believe Stein is Lorenz, because he is too short. The General insists that Lorenz sing. He also makes a racist comment to Jax, who has to be restrained before he can throw a punch.
Stein takes the stage, and sings Edelweiss from The Sound of Music. The team is impressed with his voice. So is the General, who is moved to tears.
Nate spots Krieger, and hears him arrange the trade for the amulet. Meanwhile the General and all the Nazis around them salute Hitler, and the General notices that Ray does not. The General orders Ray to sault, but Ray is unable to bring himself to and punches the General instead, causing a mass bar fight. The fight ends when the rest of the JSA show up and save the day.
The JSA are brought onto the Waverider, and the situation is explained. Including the fact that Nate’s life is also in the balance, if Commander Steel is killed more than a decade before his son is born, Nate will never exist. The JSA (and Legends) vote to work together.
In the library Rex, Vixen, Sarah, and Stein start to research the Askaran Amulet. Stein proposes a cautious plan while Rex and Sarah vote for action.
Sarah finds Nate, whose arm is bleeding from a wound he got in the bar fight. He tries to brush it aside, but she realizes that he is a hemophiliac, his blood does not clot. One bad wound could easily kill him. Nate argues that his parents practically locked him in the house his whole childhood for that very reason but it is his decision whether or not to face danger. Sarah argues, wanting to protect him.
Vixen sees Ray working on his suit and talks to him about it. Since he has no powers, only what the suit can do, she does not believe he is a hero. This hurts Ray.
They find the convoy with the Askaran Amulet in a forest, and the majority of both teams go to stop them. Mick stops the convoy with some well-placed fire and the fight is on. Krieger runs, and both Vixen and Ray give chase. Stein, Jax, and Nate watch from the ship, and Stein orders them back to the convoy, reasoning that the amulet is more important than Krieger. Just about everyone argues with him, but Stein keeps insisting. Meanwhile, Krieger takes some of the Reverse Flash’s serum and morphs into a large Hulk-like creature. Suddenly, Ray and Vixen are silent.
The JSA and Legends recover the amulet, but they are attacked by Krieger. Stein is too flustered to think, so Sarah gives the order to retreat. However, they are forced to leave Ray and Vixen behind, and they are captured by Nazis.
Krieger, back to normal size, discusses his plans with Ray and Vixen. He wants to replicate the serum to make an army of super soldiers. When he threatens Vixen, Ray offers to help both improve the serum and replicate it to save her life.
Stein has no idea what to do next, and Jax confronts him again. This time Stein agrees, he is overwhelmed and knows he is not the right leader for their mission.
Nate finds Commander Steel, who admits that he is afraid to get close to his grandson. He thinks that people who admire him tend to play the hero and get themselves killed. Nate admits to having been overprotected his whole life, when all he ever wanted was to be a soldier like his Grandfather. Commander Steel encourages him to be himself. And reminds him that you don’t have to be a soldier to be a hero.
Sarah and Rex try to form a plan to bomb the Nazi stronghold while Stein listens. Rex is more than willing to sacrifice Ray and Vixen for the greater good. Sarah knows Ray has some kind of plan and wants to help them escape first. Rex tries to ignore her, but Stein speaks up and passes leadership over to Sarah.
Ray works on the serum, and Krieger threatens Vixen to encourage him. She spits on him, and Krieger leaves two guards to watch them while he cleans up. Ray knocks one guard out with the microscope he was using while Vixen takes out the other. The Nazi’s have her amulet, but she is still a skilled fighter. Plus, Ray holds onto the dose of serum he was working on.
The rescues plan is on as Firestorm, Heatwave, and White Canary enter the stronghold. White Canary finds Vixen’s amulet and they quickly catch up to Ray and Vixen.
Krieger has taken another dose of serum and attacks the JSA members fighting outside. He chases after Commander Steel, who runs but is not fast enough. Until Nate shows up on a motorcycle with a sidecar. Commander Steel jumps in and they race to escape Krieger and get out of the blast zone from the upcoming bombs. The bombs fall, killing Krieger and destroying the stronghold. But one lands too close to the motorcycle, and both Nate and Commander Steel are injured.
Nate is in the med bay, but the Waverider cannot heal him due to his hemophilia. He’s dying from internal bleeding that will not clot. Ray suddenly remembers the serum he modified and stole, and injects it into Nate. It works, and Nate’s life is saved.
Vixen apologizes to Ray. Giving up the serum, his one chance at real super powers, was pretty damn heroic.
Commander Steel visits with Nate and they bond. Nate’s version of the dog tags return, meaning they fixed history. Commander Steel calls Nate a hero.
Back at JSA headquarters, Rex stores the Askaran Amulet. Suddenly the Reverse Flash shows. He is the reason future Rex went to 2016, to keep the Legends away from 1942. The Reverse Flash vibrates into Rex’s chest and steals the amulet. Vixen enters and finds Rex on the floor. He manages to say “Time Traveler” to her before dying in her arms. Vixen is devastated.