Fables Returning To Vertigo

This September, DC's vertigo imprint is going to get a little more magical......again, that is.The [...]

Fables 150

This September, DC's vertigo imprint is going to get a little more magical...

...again, that is.

The world of Bill Willingham's Fables will return with Everafter: From the Pages of Fables, a new, ongoing series set after the events of Fables and featuring work from writers Matthew Sturges and Dave Justus, with artwork by Travis Moore and covers by Tula Lotay.

"Everafter is a spy thriller featuring a covert-ops team whose mission is to save this newly magical world from itself," co-writer Dave Justus said in a statement on Vertigo's blog. "The story has a uniquely Vertigo flair, filled with twists, double-crosses, and agents willing to give their lives for (fairy) queen and (goblin) country!"

"We've always hated that feeling of getting to the end of a great book and wondering, 'But then what happened?'" said co-writer Matthew Sturges. "Bill Willingham planted so many seeds in the final issue of Fables that it was impossible for us to let it lie."

Here's how Vertigo describes the series:

In a post-Fables world where magic abounds, it can be wielded for the greater good or used to sow the ideas of anarchy and terrorism. Enter The Shadow Players, a global network of agents—both Fable and mundane—tasked with policing a newly enchanted world and protecting humanity from itself. The series will feature fan-favorite characters, including Bo Peep, Peter Piper, Hansel, and Connor Wolf, as well as exciting new characters and a terrifying new villain.

"Everafter is an extraordinary opportunity for us to build onto the stories of characters from Fables that we love, offer new revelations, flesh out the lives of some lesser known characters, and bring brand-new Fables into the mix," said artist Travis Moore. "For me, it's always a joy to get to design new characters; I'm bringing a more dynamic action style to the Fables community than fans have seen from me."

"The terrific job Matt Sturges, Dave Justus, and Travis Moore did on the comic adaptations of the Wolf Among Us video games made them the perfect team to carry this new spin-off series," said Fables creator Bill Willingham. "There are some terrific surprises ahead in a world that is no longer mundy. What happens in a world that now knows about Fables and the sharp rise of magic in their midst? Everafter is going to show us."

No art has been made available as of this time, but one would expect that the September 2016 solicitations will have at least the first cover, and interviews between now and Comic Con International: San Diego should have more details.

Fables's final issue -- the deluxe-sized #150, also available as Fables Vol. 22: Ever After -- was released just under a year ago, in July of 2015.