“Lose Yourself” starts with Barry and Ralph scanning the bus the dark matter hit. The duo has a quick argument on whether they’re going to kill DeVoe, with Barry refusing to kill the villain with Ralph wanting to kill him.
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Barry gets a text on his phone; Wells has called them back to STAR Labs because he’s made a breakthrough in defeating DeVoe. Wells has made a device โ a Sonic Scepter โ that uses soundwaves to render DeVoe’s powers useless.
Joe notices Wells becoming particularly attached to his new thinking cap and points it out to Cisco.
Caitlin’s working on the science behind herself turning into Killer Frost. She reveals to Iris that the powers are caused by her adrenal glands, so that if she shoots herself with an epinephrine pen, she’ll instantly turn into her alter ego.
An alert begins going off, alerting the group that The Thinker has used his powers. When Barry, Cisco, Ralph, and Caitlin arrive at the location of the alert, they run into the final bus meta: Edwin Gauss a.k.a. Folded Man.
They find out that Gauss can make pocket dimensions, much like how DeVoe’s able to travel.
Joe pulls Wells aside to talk to him about the thinking cap. Joe mentions that Wells is beginning to show addictive tendencies, and Wells does his best to convince Joe otherwise. After Joe leaves, Wells enters the secret room we’ve previously seen him use. Joe catches him entering it.
Barry, Ralph, and Caitlin visit a hippie commune in an attempt to find Gauss. After asking around, Caitlin finds him, which leads to a pursuit. Barry and Ralph are able to stop Gauss, but as they’re talking to him, a samuroid sneaks up behind Caitlin and stabs her through her chest.
The team rushes back to STAR Labs where Caitlin’s able to begin recuperating. There, we find out that Gauss has agreed to stay in the pipeline in an attempt to keep him safe from DeVoe.
Ralph’s talking to Gauss in the pipeline when the new meta starts telling Dibny stories about his traveling between pocket dimensions. Gauss tells Dibny that he’s been to a pocket dimension with one of the ninja robots, as he calls them, and Ralph realizes Gauss has been to DeVoe’s lair.
Wells enters Cisco’s lab and starts throwing things all over the room, upset because he thinks Cisco took his thinking cap. He pushes Cisco up to the wall until Joe walks in and separates them. Joe brings the thinking cap in and gives it back on the condition that Wells thinks about how his usage affects those around him.
Ralph and Gauss are getting ready to go to DeVoe’s lair when Barry rushes in to stop them. The two begin fighting over Wells’ Sonic Scepter before Barry knocks Ralph out to regain the control of the device.
Ralph comes to in the med bay, and he tells Barry that he wants to kill DeVoe because he’s worried about what he’ll do to the members of Team Flash. Ralph admits that his teammates are the closest thing he has to family and doesn’t want to see them hurt.
Barry tells the team of Ralph’s idea of creating a pocket dimension into DeVoe’s lair. Gauss creates the doorway to the lair and Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco go through to stop DeVoe.
Barry uses the Sonic Scepter on DeVoe, but it’s revealed that DeVoe used a hologram, and with the three metas now trapped in his dimension, the real DeVoe and Mechanic teleported to STAR Labs.
DeVoe starts using the Kilg%re powers to knock out all of the STAR Labs security systems. It locks the room that Iris, Joe, and Wells are in, but Iris reveals that her earrings are miniature bombs she had Cisco make, and the group is able to escape.
Dibny’s standing guard by the pipeline, and he’s greeted by DeVoe, who is trying to get to Gauss. DeVoe enlarges a miniature version of the T. rex skeleton Ralph fought earlier in the season, and it starts chasing Ralph around the pipeline
Iris locates DeVoe’s chair and attempts to use it to open another pocket dimension so Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin can return, but she’s stopped by The Mechanic, and they start fighting.
Ralph destroys the fossil and exits the pipeline to find that DeVoe has now taken over Gauss’ body. DeVoe teleports him and Dibny away to another pocket dimension, but Dibny’s able to use the tuning fork once to knock DeVoe off his feet.
Iris bests The Mechanic in combat and uses DeVoe’s chair to send her back to the lair so that Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco can return to STAR Labs.
Barry tracks down Dibny and DeVoe, and it’s shown that Dibny decided to cuff DeVoe instead of killing him. DeVoe reveals he has broken out of the cuffs and uses his powers to take over Ralph’s body, killing him.
Cisco and Caitlin vibe in to try saving Ralph, but they’re too late. DeVoe, now in Ralph’s body, knocks out Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin and is able to escape.
They return to STAR Labs, and an upset Barry storms off. Caitlin approaches Cisco and tells her she feels weird. Cisco and Wells examine her and reveal that because she touched DeVoe in the pocket dimension, he absorbed her powers and Killer Frost is no more.
Iris finds Barry looking through Ralph’s items at his office and apartment. She decides to leave Barry alone as he cleans out Ralph’s stuff.
The DeVoes share champagne in their lair and using Dibny’s shapeshifting powers, DeVoe takes up his original form. DeVoe reveals that he’s stolen additional dark matter from Wells’ thinking cap.