James Gunn's The Suicide Squad Will Be Music Heavy

There are a lot of reasons people love the Guardians of the Galaxy films, from the sense of humor [...]

There are a lot of reasons people love the Guardians of the Galaxy films, from the sense of humor to the exciting space action to their shocking level of heart and emotion. But if you were to poll fans on their favorite thing about the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, there's a good chance a lot of them would mention the soundtracks. Writer and director James Gunn is known for giving his films wonderful soundtracks, and the two Guardians movies were certainly no exception. The filmmaker is moving over to DC for a bit to direct The Suicide Squad, he's absolutely going to infuse the team-up movie with just as much great music as his previous films.

On Friday morning, Gunn took to Twitter to answer some different questions from fans, mostly about his use of music in film, and it didn't take long for someone to ask about his plans for The Suicide Squad.

"Music is an incredibly important part of ALL of my films, both soundtrack and score," Gunn wrote. "So, yea. But it will be a lot different than Guardians musically - and in so many other ways."

This fan's question came following a short thread from Gunn regarding the specific music he uses in his movies, saying that he has been able to get the rights to just about every song he's ever wanted to use.

"I've licensed every song I've sought (although on the first film I inquired about Never Been to Spain and it's price tag scared me off from even considering it," he tweeted.

"And, notoriously, both Pilot's Magic and ELO's Livin' Thing sequences were cur from the first film (I regret cutting the Livin' Thing montage, actually."

"But there are LOTS of songs I've wanted to find a space for and haven't been able to. Hundreds. I've tried numerous Alice Cooper, Queen, T-Rex & Stevie Wonder songs, for instance, but I just never found the perfect fit. Same with Hall & Oates 'She's Gone' on Vol. 2."

Given that The Suicide Squad will take place in present day, and won't be constricted to just a couple of mixtapes on an old cassette player in the middle of space, there will likely be a lot more freedom to include music from all kinds of different genres. Knowing Gunn's love for music, there's quite literally no telling what will be included in The Suicide Squad when all is said and done.

Of course, everyone on Twitter has their own ideas of what sort of needle drops should take place in The Suicide Squad, as well as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

Are there any songs you're hoping James Gunn will fit into his new films? Which track from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise is your favorite so far? Let us know in the comments!