Henry Cavill Says It Would Be An Injustice To Call 'Justice League' Light

While Justice League is shaping up to be less dour than its predecessor, Batman v Superman: Dawn [...]

While Justice League is shaping up to be less dour than its predecessor, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Superman actor Henry Cavill says the movie will have more of a balance of humor and seriousness.

"I'm not gonna say it is light, because that would be doing it an injustice," Cavill told Miami's Chris Van Vliet. "It has a serious scenario with moments of humor and lightness peppered throughout, which — as much as people say it isn't close to reality and as much as this does have senses of very much not being like reality — when people are in bad situations, gallows humor does come into effect. I know a lot of guys in the Armed Forces and a lot of them have a really bizarre sense of humor and it gets you through, and we have those, we have those in this movie."

Co-star Gal Gadot, who reprises her role as Wonder Woman after making her debut in Batman v Superman, previously said the movie isn't as dark as the last: "Justice League is not a dark or heavy movie," Gadot said. "It doesn't have the weight that Batman v Superman had."

Batman v Superman and Justice League second unit director Damon Caro is on the record as saying "Justice League was always the rebirth of hope and the rise," with star Ezra Miller reaffirming original director Zack Snyder "always intended for the Justice League to rise out of the darkness."

"People try to say that it's a response to the backlash, and I'd definitely say that criticisms were heard, but it's not like we threw everything out and started with a blank slate," Caro said. "It's a bit like Star Wars. Empire Strikes Back? Dark movie! But then Return of the Jedi is the rise and the rebuilding of hope."

While one Justice League cast member did acknowledge the original purpose of reshoots under new director Joss Whedon was to inject a bit of a lighter tone, Whedon was still operating under Snyder's vision. "This is Zack Snyder's movie," Gadot said. "Joss only did a few weeks of reshoots. He was Zack's guy and knew exactly what he wanted to get."

Cavill recently said he hopes audiences "walk away from [Justice League] first of all having enjoyed it and had fun, but more importantly to have it inspire, and to walk away with a sense of hope."

Starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher, Justice League opens November 17.