'Supergirl's Saturn Girl Amy Jackson Talks Tonight's "Girl-Power" Trip to Fort Rozz

Tonight on Supergirl, the title superhero will team up with Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl from the [...]

Tonight on Supergirl, the title superhero will team up with Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl from the Legion of Super-Heroes, played here by Amy Jackson) will take a trip to Fort Rozz in search of answers that could help them defeat Reign.

The prison was a major part of the show's first season, representing the largest source of evil aliens for the show to draw villains from. In Supergirl, Fort Rozz was a Kryptonian prison that was dragged out of the Phantom Zone and deposited on Earth behind Supergirl's rocket. And to get the job done, Supergirl and Imra are teaming up with two of the non-alien villains who have caused the most trouble over the years.

"Imra always sees the good in people. She wants to change the world, make it a better place, and she always sees the good in everyone," Jackson told ComicBook.com. "I actually think the world can do with more Imra Ardeens. That's something that makes her special and makes her stand out. People might judge her for that, but that's her strong trait. She's definitely not naive; she just wants to see the best in people. I think with the formation of this huge girl gang in 'Fort Rozz,' that's what happens. They are the villains, they are the baddies. We have Livewire and Psi coming together. But they all want to fight against Reign and they all have a goal in mind. I think that's what she sees in the baddies."

She will also fully come into her own this episode, using her telepathy in a way that will benefit the team while standing apart from her husband, Mon-El, for a while.

Jackson does not min that her character got caught up in shipping debates (since Mon-El used to date Supergirl), but she did regret that Imra was introduced and contextualized as Mon-El's wife first.

It's "really annoying" to be defined only by her relationship, Jackson told us. "As one of the founding members of the Legion, she's so much more than a relationship and I can' wait for people to see that."

Supergirl airs Monday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.